1: Badass Murtiy

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This whole story is bold. Mostly mature content. (18+)

Read at your own risk, Don't do negative comments!

Nandini's pov

I am again late today I don't know what happened to my phone why isn't it working properly. I think its time to change it now

I have a very very important meeting to attend and I am already 20 minutes late. I entered in office

"Good morning mam" one by one everyone greet while I passed a smile

"Good morning mam" Seyda said

Seyda is handling my works until a new assistant is arranged for me.

"Good Morning Syeda, What about the meeting?" I asked

"They are waiting in the meeting room" she said while I nodded

I entered the elevator looking at my watch. An unknown person entered with me maybe a new employee I don't know about

"Are you new?" I asked

He was quite attractive, sky blue t shirt with dark blue pants, hairs gelled up with a spectacles. No doubt I was checking him out shamelessly

"Yes, I came for an interview" he said

"Best of luck" I said while he smiled back

He is hot!

The meeting was finally over and I came back to my office

It was so boring. I will tell you the truth I have no interest in this business My father always wanted me to do handle this company after him so here I am

There was a knock on the door

"Mam What about the interview? Peoples are waiting" Syeda said

"I am coming" I said while she left

"Let's finish this as well Nandini" Saying so I left

"Good Morning Everyone! I am Syeda Assistant of Miss Nandini for a few time until one of you get the job! We will start by asking some of the questions to know about your experience" Syeda said

She starts asking the questions While I was marking the ticks and cross. It was when my eyes fell on that spectacled boy. He is here for an interview Nandini focus on that

It was his turn now

"I will ask" I said

"As you say mam"

"So What's your Name?"

"Manik... Manik Saxena"

"Mr. Manik I would like to know about your experience have you ever worked before?"

"I have In my father's office" he said making a bit shock

"In your father's office? You should be the head then, No? Why are you here?"

"A long story but the main thing is I have worked before and the business was same so I am well experience" he said and I nodded

He is definitely gonna work here, he is a Greek god, damn hot!

"Ok Got it" I said getting up

"We will let you know by tomorrow Thank you" Sayeda said

I glance him last time before leaving the room.

"Sayeda come to my office" I said

Manik's pov

I am very tensed I really want this job, I have to pay the rent of my house, the bills, the medicines for my mom and this is the best company in India paying really well. I just hope I will get the job

I finished my dinner and was ready to go meet my mom when suddenly I got a call

"Hello...its me...really? I can't believe....thank you so much...off course I will join from tomorrow only...once again thank you"

I can't believe I got the job! Yes yes yes!

I ran to meet my mom, she is in a mental asylum as after my dad's death she lost her mind.

"Mom Mom!" I shouted while she smiled seeing me

"Oh Manik I was missing you" she said while I hugged her tightly

"I was as well and I have a very good news to tell you"

"Really what is it?"

"I got the job in the most largest company of India, Now I will take you away from here as soon as possible. I won't let you stay here for long" I said while she patted my cheek

"My brave son, I am proud of you, You made it finally" she said


I ran towards the elevator I am late. I can't believe myself On the first day only I am late.

The boss as well entered inside. Yesterday I was unaware that was the boss but now I Know

"Aren't you late?" She asked looking at the watch

"Traffic problems" I said

"Its ok"

I start walking behind her

"I need black filter coffee in my office" She said while I nodded

After of 15 minutes I came back knocking the door

"Come in"

I entered inside putting the coffee on the table.

"Do you need anything else mam?" I asked

She looked at me for a few seconds

"Come here" she said it was weird but I went towards her

I stood beside her chair while she took out some of the documents hand overing to me. It was when my eyes fell on the laptop screen.

My eyes widen but I looked away before she could notice, she was watching porn. Ya I mean I don't have any problem for her to see but at least do these things at home


I was leaving the room but her voice stopped me

"Where do you think you are going?" She asked

"To my table?"

"Your table is here only see that corner" she said pointing towards the right corner

"I didn't knew" I said going there

I Sat on my place looking at the documents. I have to arrange the papers.

In between my eyes were again and again falling over her but I will clear its difficult to be in the same room with her. I mean she is weird

I again looked at her she was already looking at me with a smirk. I immediately looked back at my work

What is she even doing? Its really uneasy. The knock on the door made me look up

"Mam these are the documents you asked for!" The guy said

"Ok I will check later"

"As you like, Anything else for me?"

"No you can leave" He left

I looked at her she suddenly wider her legs touching herself. Fuck what is she even doing?

I ignored but obviously it was difficult still I have to control!

She looked at me falling back on the chair closing her eyes moaning softly. The best way to ignore this is songs. Yeah I will do that

I plugged the earphones playing a song diverting my mind and thank god it worked

It worked!

Alina ❤

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