08: Cold faith

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He knew he was fucked up, he knew he made everything a mess and he had to fix everything as fast as possible because somehow he knew she was still waiting for him; waiting for him to apologize for what he did.

Tears streamed down his eyes, he took the mobile away from his ears and ended the call without answering anything. He threw it on the bed and ran out of the room with stumbling steps.

"I need to fix the mistake I made before it's too late," he murmured, making his way to where he thought she could have gone.


Sehun walked through the living room with a plate of food in his hands toward Aira's room when he heard the doorbell ring, making him twitch his eyebrows in confusion and irritation.

He didn't expect someone to come at this time as it was almost eleven o'clock and over that, it was raining outside. He shrugged, putting the plate down on the table and walked toward the door to open it.

His hands hovered over the doorknob as he twisted it open and there stood the most unexpected someone in front of his eyes. His eyebrows joined, forming lines on his forehead and he gritted his teeth.


Jungkook didn't waste a second and pushed him aside, rushing inside the house without even caring about his permission or something, his eyes searching for a particular someone desperately.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" he questioned sternly, trying to stay as calm as he could, even though he was fuming inside in anger. His hands twitched by his side, trying to suppress the urge of punching his face until he coughed blood out of the mouth he called Aira a slut.

"Where's Aira, Sehun?" he turned to him and asked while holding his arms, Sehun scoffed.

"She isn't here," his voice was stern and lacking emotions.

"Her shoes are here, Sehun. I know she's indeed here. Please, tell me!" Jungkook asked again, his voice shaky and breathy as if he cried for a long time. But Sehun paid attention to nothing, he wasn't even ready to look into his eyes as he kept his eyes at the back of his head.

"Leave, Jungkook!" he turned towards the door pointing his finger out.

"Why don't you understand? I want to meet her! Please . . . tell me where she is," Jungkook yelled, feeling his patience wearing thin. Sehun clenched his jaw, feeling the rage getting hold of him.

Jungkook was the one at fault and daring to raise his voice at Sehun was enough for him to tolerate.

He turned, slamming the door in a sudden move and grabbed Jungkook's collar instead. A tight punch landed on his cheek and he stumbled back, feeling the blood seeping out of his lip.

He was shocked and his tongue failed to form any words against it. Deep inside his heart, he knew he deserved that but at that very moment, he needed Aira beside him.

"After accusing her of cheating, calling her a slut and kicking her out in such a weather, you had the fucking guts to come here?" he raised his hand again, feeling the rage settling upon his head, absorbing him.

Once again, a hard punch landed against Jungkook's cheek and he could taste the blood now metallic on his tongue.

"P-Please . . ." a request left his lips defeatedly. Sehun raised his fist once again but that hit never landed on him. Instead, a voice hit Jungkook's ears, a voice he was dying to hear.

Cold faith ➳ JJK [✓]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant