Chapter 2- Preparations

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I woke up the next day feeling great, mainly because all the things I ordered the day before would be available for pick up today. I checked my phone and saw that it was 9:17 am so I quickly got up to do my morning routine and take a shower. I left out clothes for the rest of the week to make my life easier. I decided to put on a bit of makeup and put my natural hair up in a bun and did my edges and accessorized with a scarf, my outfit for today was a long brown skirt with a short-sleeved green crop top. I'm 5'8' and I just consider myself midsized with full hips that gives me sort of a hourglass shape. My stomach is flat with just a little chub and my mom keeps telling me my butt is too big and I wouldn't exactly say she was wrong about that. Sometimes I was insecure but there were also days I loved my body and today was definitely one of those days.

I continued getting ready and put on my rings and necklaces, I quickly applied some coconut oil to my brown skin and put on some perfume because I loved smelling nice at all times. As I was putting everything I needed in my tote bag, I heard my phone ping and when I opened it to see what it was, I realized it was a reminder of a nail appointment I had booked exactly a week ago on Wednesday, and it was at 10:45. "Oh shit", I said when I saw the time, it was 10:11 and the nail salon was a good 30 minutes away from me. "I need to leave now", I said. My mom and brother had their own things to do today so they left earlier. I went downstairs and made sure all the doors were locked before I grabbed my keys and double-checked my bag for everything.

As soon as I got in the car and I quickly called my mom and let her know what I planned on doing today and as expected, she had an errand for me but who was I to complain. I stayed to watch the garage close and pulled off the driveway and began driving to the salon. I didn't need a GPS for this because I had been there often with my mom. When I got there, it was already 10:42 so I quickly got out of my car and went in. I did the regular procedures like confirming my appointment and all that. They began working on my nails and I just relaxed because I cannot come and kill myself sha. I chose a medium length for my nails this time because that's what I was feeling and I knew I didn't wanna have to deal with a broken nail in the future. I went with this cool design I found on Pinterest and I knew the lady wouldn't disappoint. She's honestly very talented.

After two hours, she was done and the results were amazing, as expected. I paid and left for the mall. I was starting to get hungry so I decided to stop at a brunch place near the mall. I ordered chicken and waffles, and an omelet with water. I sent a picture to the family gc and I just knew how jealous my mom and brother would get. I dug in and it tasted as good as it looked. After my meal, I drove to the mall which was 10 minutes away and when I got there, it was surprisingly packed. "On a Wednesday? Seriously?", I said to myself as I locked my car. I hissed quietly and made my way inside.

The first store I went to was Zara, then I beelined for Pacsun. H&M is one of my favorite stores so I picked up my clothes but I also looked around a bit and left with one skirt, two linen pants, and 3 shirts. My mom wanted me to get her a white dress at Macy's and luckily I found a perfect one for her and she loved it when I sent her a picture. "Omo to mo style da da" (A child that knows style well), she said. I also got myself some formal dresses. At this point, my arms were almost full but I still had to go into Nordstrom to see if they had black Maryjanes because earlier when I was talking to my mom, she mentioned that my new school had strict black shoes and white socks policy. Luckily for me, I found the perfect pair that matched the picture my mom sent me. I also ordered a Chanel No 5 perfume and went to pick it up and I was really tempted to pick up something else but I left quickly. I picked up the rest of my last-minute orders and left for the bookstore because I had some books to pick up. After getting my books, the time was already 4 pm. I headed back home feeling fulfilled because I did get a lot done, and the rest was just to pack up everything for the rest of the week, visit my school to get my withdrawal finalized, and go to the doctor.

"I'm back home", I yelled. "How was the mall", my brother, Yomi asked. "WTF!! you scared me, where did you come from", I asked while holding my chest. He just laughed and walked past me to the fridge. "Oga there's nothing there, go order Wingstop, I'm craving it bad, also where's mommy", I said. "In her room", he said. 'Ok let me get all the things I got and go greet her", I said. "Did you buy something for me too?", he asked. "Duh, how could I forget", I said as I went up the stairs.

"I'm back home ma, and your dress is here", I said. "Thank you, I needed that dress last minute so good thing you went to the mall today", she said. "Honestly. Looks like you're almost done packing up your room", I said as I looked around. "Yeah, and you should be fast with yours too", she said. "Yes ma", I said. "Tomorrow we'll get the rest of the things done and come back home in time for the movers to come to get everything and begin shipping it to Nigeria, though I have decided to donate some things. By Friday around 3 pm, which is the day after tomorrow, they'll come back for all the packed boxes and the cars. The house will be turned into a rental/Airbnb and it'll be watched over by my boss, she agreed it was a good idea and hired someone to be in charge of the preparations. It wasn't easy finding someone on a semi-short notice but we got extremely lucky. On Saturday, we leave for the hotel and on Monday, we say goodbye to Dallas and get on our flight to Nigeria", she said. "Wow, ok. I had better get started on the rest of my room and finish it tonight. Mommy, you've planned this perfectly so let me move accordingly", I said. "Yes o", she said as she chuckled.

The minute I got into my room I started packing everything up and throwing away unnecessary stuff and by midnight, I was completely done with my room and I put all the boxes in the garage. I ended up having to add one more suitcase to the two I already had for the last-minute things I wanted to take with me and the new items I bought today. I knocked out immediately after I touched my bed.

By Friday, our house was empty. I was able to meet the person who would be in charge of the rental and she had some really nice ideas that made me realize she was really fit for the job.

By Saturday morning, we were on our way to the hotel. It was close to the airport so that was a plus for us. My brother was already hyper and it was refreshing to see him so excited. We checked into our hotel rooms and decided to meet for lunch later. Our flight to Nigeria was 12 am on Monday and I was starting to count down the hours without realizing it. Guess I was more excited than I thought.

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