Chapter 1- Moving Away

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    Today felt normal, I had just gotten back home from school, and I was feeling pretty confident because I was finally able to drive myself to school since I had just gotten my license not too long ago, and not to toot my own horn but I'm a pretty good driver if I do say so myself.

     I put the keys on the counter and opened the fridge to get a very cold bottle of water cause, omo this heat is no joke. Summer was so close, five days close to be exact and I'm so excited, especially since I'll be going to Nigeria for most of the summer. It's not like I had friends to make plans with for the summer so there won't be anyone to miss I guess, maybe except for the people I talk to in my classes but they wouldn't be considered friends. "Oh, that reminds me, mommy said she had something important to tell me, she must be upstairs," I thought to myself.

     "Mommy I'm back home", I said as I walked into her room. "Welcome back, how was school", she said. "Just the usual, you said you wanted to tell me something ma", I replied. "Ah yes yes, so I don't want you to look at what I'm about to tell you in a bad light but my job is transferring me as a General Head of Affairs-" she said as I quickly interrupted her. "WOWW CONGRATULATIONS MOMMY... wait but why would I take that in a bad light?", I said. "To Nigeria. I'm being transferred to Nigeria." Everything seemed to go blank at that moment... NIGERIA?! Yeah, I originally thought I'd be there for summer but now I'm moving there??? It seemed unreal. I'd have to leave the life I have here and start over. "Toni, listen to me, I know you very well and I know how you'll react to this which is why I told you last, your younger brother already knows and he didn't say much but I knew he was upset, I'm going to talk to him later.", she said.

     "I don't have much to say, though I'm not too thrilled about moving across the world just as I'm about to be a junior in high school, I don't want to be a selfish brat and stop you from taking this amazing opportunity, it'll be hard to say goodbye to my home for the past 12 years but we can only move forward abi.", I said. "Thank you, and also I'm sorry, this won't be easy because you're now going into a new environment with completely different people and I know how shy you are, but I know you'll love it there. We'll be staying at a house the company gave to me in Lagos, and we'll get you and your brother enrolled in your schools and get settled in during the summer so please start packing because we leave next week Monday.", she said. "What about my school here?", I asked. "I already informed them and since you've already finished your finals, you don't need to go back.", she said. "Good thing I cleaned out my locker today sha", I muttered to myself.

    "Everyone in Lagos must've been so excited when you told them about the move and the job", I said. "They definitely were, I mean, your uncle Mide was talking about throwing a family party during the zoom call we had earlier", she said while chuckling. "That's actually not a bad idea, we'll be able to talk to each other and catch up. I, especially, have too much to talk to Tofunmi about", I said. Tofunmi, who I call Mimi or Funmi for short is my cousin who's just one year younger than me. "Of course, you do, anyways now that this is settled, please start packing everything in your room, you'll see boxes there already", she said. "Okay ma, also can I order food for us? because I know Yomi will be hungry when he wakes up. Yomi is my 14-year-old brother, a very troublesome boy by the way. "Yes, order what you want, we might be eating out this whole week because the fridge is nearly empty meaning my plan worked", she said. "What plan", I asked as I cocked my head to the side. "I didn't want to throw food away so I made food from most groceries we had and shared among my coworkers", she said whole starting to pack her things. "Ahh ok, good plan, ok I'm going to my room now", I said and left her room.

The minute I got to my room, I fell back on my bed and just started thinking about everything from what I'd pack to what my school would be like and what type of people and rules it has. "Chile lemme not dwell on that now, I should order the food and some things I'd need to pick up from various stores tomorrow cause they not delivering it on time", I said to myself.

I turned on my calm playlist and began packing my things carefully, starting with my closet but I made sure to pack clothes for the summer because I don't know when the boxes will get to Nigeria. After an hour and 30 minutes, I was all packed and ready for my trip, now it was time to tackle these boxes. Within that time, the food got here and I really enjoyed it, you could never go wrong with Chinese food. Packing for trips has always been stressful for me because I didn't know where to start but now I'm moving across the world and I was already stressed before even trying to think of where to start. After a few minutes, I decided to tackle every form of top I own like blouses, t-shirts, hoodies, tank tops, crop tops, etc. Hours later, I was done packing half of my closet and I was really exhausted.

"Yeah it's time for me to sleep", I said to myself. As I got settled in my bed, I couldn't help but think about what my new life would be like.

I guess I'll just have to find out.

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