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"Good Evening, today Polices declared five deaths of an dark feather gang members who ambush a bar hours before they were found dead location near in the Highest building Seoul. Their limbs were broken, as well as their neck. Cutted tongues and plucked eyes. International polices said that the bodies were possibly being thrown off a building. As for now, they are trying to figure out who's behind all of this crime. This is World Wide News, Karen Kim."

Tons of Paired eyes stared at the large flat screen tv with fear.

Having the same thoughts as they stared at the bodies being clearly shown from the news, they thought

'How in the world people can do such a horrible doing as that?'

"They're a lot more worser than us." Sunoo mumbled, with his members silently agreeing with him.

Truth to be told, they were the second most wanted criminal organization in Korea.

The first organization kept on growing and growing yet they still dont have any clue on who those people are.

Not even the polices know.

The only thing they know about them is how dirty their works are and their Name.


Unknown indeed.

They work without getting their hands and names dirty.

"I'll go to my sister's cafe. Who wants to come along?" Jake announced.

"I'll go with you."

"Same, your older sister bakes good cakes."

Both Niki and sunghoon stood up.

"Careful outside, the world isn't safe." Heesung said, waving his hand to his members that just entered the car after nodding to him.

Visiting jake's older sister waz always normal for them. They atleast visit her thrice a month.

His sister is a married woman with two male kids and a bussiness man husband.

And for safety, enhypen made their names not related to them.

"It's been a while, isn't it?"

The two males stared at sunghoon with a slight confusion as their driver drove them quietly.

"It's been years eversince we last saw her. Do you think she's a doctor now? That's what she had always been dreaming of."

A soft smile appeared on niki's lips as he glance through the windows at each building they pass by.

"I hope so too. I wanted to see her and ask for forgiveness. From doubting her, hurting her mentally, and not greeting her a happy birthday. We were too late." Jake muttured, his natural calm expression change into frown as he stared down at his shoes.

After being convinced by niki the day after her birthday, all of them searched for her.

And when i say all, it's all of the members including their mens since they had a gang that time.

Yet not even one of them knew where she is. She disappeared like a thin air.

Not even her car, phone, name, and families can be tracked.

Not even a single clue.

Time passes, people inside the car had gone quiet.

Yet a single building caught niki's attention.

It was the tallest building in seoul.

No lights were visible in people's eyes by glancing it, but the japanese boy clearly knows that the windows were just pretty well tinted.

'I wonder who's the owner of that building.'

And just by looking at it, he knows that the building isn't that weak to collapse just by being bombed.

It even looks like a bullet proof for him.

Future's invention.

The Unknown.

THE FUTURE   || ▪︎RIKI NISHIMURAWhere stories live. Discover now