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Wilbur's pov:

      Me,techno and Tommy went out to the park to let tommy have some fresh air and play In the sun. "Hey will do you think someone is trying to take tommy from us?" "Kinda but they will not get far!" Techno smiled at me and looked back at the swing set where Tommy was playing to see an purple alien boy sitting next to him laughing.

     I smiled at least he is making some friends. They ran around playing tag and picking flowers and giving them for each other. I looked at my phone for a few minutes before I heard I blood curling scream I looked up to see tommy and the other kid in the hands of a guy that was trying to take them.

     "HEY LET THEM GO!" me and techno got up and ran towards the guy. But he sprinted away we chased after him went into a alley way it was a closed alley way thankfully. The guy turned around "wilby,techy help please!" Tommy sob and tried to reach for us but the guy told him to shut up techno walked up to the guy and grabbed him by the neck and picked him up.

      He dropped tommy and the other kid and they ran to me and hid behind me. "You have some balls to try and take my gold" techno said in a dark bloody voice I picked up tommy and the other kid "techno I'm going to leave with them you do your thing" he nodded his head. I left and went back to the park and put them down tommy hugged the other kid.

       "Purple! Purple where are you!?" I heard someone yell out "big brother!" The kid ran towards the guy in the white sweater. "There you are buddy" he picked up purple and walked towards me and tommy "hey what happened?" "Someone tried to take him and Tom's but don't worry my brother is taking care of them" the guy smiled and thank me I gave him my number if purple wanted to have a playdate and he walked off with purple.

       I picked up tommy and rocked him to sleep for his afternoon nap.
Techno approached me with a splatter of blood on his face he had a smile on his face.

     Don't mess with our sunshine                               or his friend

I am going camping so I won't update until I get back!

Bye my little panda's 💕

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