Late Night Talks With "Mom"

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Alibaba knows that Aladdin and the others were leaving. Hakuryuu, Morgiana and Aladdin... all leaving. He wants to join them, but also feels like he'd be a burden if he did. Maybe a few encouraging words from someone he didn't expect would help him make a choice.

Alibaba sat on the rooftop of his room in the Sindria castle. He stared out onto the seemingly endless sea, working his way down to look at the ship. That ship was one that would take his friends away. Somewhere safer, he knew, but it still hurt. They were leaving him here, all alone. He wanted to join them; sneak aboard, surprise them and come along. But wasn't there a reason he wasn't coming along? Was it that he would be a burden to them, because of this "curse"? Yes, a burden. That's what he had been led to believe all his life, wasn't it?

A burden on his mother, a burden on Cassim and Mariam, a burden on himself. But more importantly, a burden on his friends. He hadn't mastered his djinn powers, even if it had been a year. He had had time to perfect them, so why didn't he? It was because he was stupid. He was stupid for believing that he alone could start the revolution in Balbadd. He had needed help in the end, and his foolishness had gotten Cassim killed. Wasn't he the fool for trusting himself rather than others.

With a deep sigh, Alibaba turned himself back to the ocean. The waves crashing gently against the rocks of the beach, the way the sounds that came off were so soothing even if he wasn't quite in earshot to hear them. He wasn't used to the ocean, but he felt like he was getting used to it by now. The sounds almost seemed to... curl him into a mind of emptiness- if it weren't for his loneliness grasping at his mind again.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." A voice, distant but close still, came through. Alibaba shifted over, half expecting to see Sharrkan or even King Sinbad himself, but who he saw was not even close to any other people. Standing before him was the 1st general, the king's advisor and second in command: Jafar.

Alibaba didn't know much about the man, but he did know one thing, and that was that he was terrifying when need be. He did happen to smash the ground to bits when Cassim tried to capture him. Still, Alibaba wasn't sure about the general. He seemed so stoic and formal. Definitely not how Alibaba would've been if he were in his shoes.

"May I join you?" Jafar's question cut through the air rather quickly, and Alibaba nodded and moved so he had room to sit. Not much was said after that, only with Alibaba glancing quickly at the older male before quickly returning to the ocean. After a few moments, Alibaba finally got the courage to ask,

"Why are you up here?"

Jafar gave a rather joyful, kind but also gentle smile. "I think the question rather be said to yourself. Why are you up here?" Alibaba squished his lips together, not in thought, but mostly in trance. Why was he up here? To look out upon the ocean and enjoy the cool air?

"Because... it was nice out. And I wanted to space to myself." He explained, not meeting Jafar's eyes, who still hadn't left his. But after he said that, the older male turned back to look out upon the water.

"You are sulking." Is all he said, tone serious but also genuine and kind. Alibaba didn't know that kind of tone existed... either way, he frowned and turned back to Jafar.

"Eh? No I'm not." He told him, defensively. Jafar smiled and leaned back a little, so now he was staring up at the night sky filled with stars.

"Your friends are leaving and you are stuck here without no reason why." Then, he turned to him, flicking his forehead. "You are sulking." Alibaba frowned, rubbing the spot the general had flicked him at. He stared down at his feet, feeling like he was acting childish and maybe even a little selfish at this point.

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