When You Lose A Friend

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TW: this one shot contains wholesomeness

(This takes place shortly after they left Sinbad to start the trading business and before Rurumu got pregnant so their only child is Jafar)

"Where is that little brat... sigh... I swear, anytime Rurumu is busy he just runs away from his homework." Hinahoho groaned, scratching the back of his head. Rurumu was currently in one of her, "fevers," which is common for female imuchakk where they get sick with a sickness that is similar to that of a fever. It's nothing too serious until they get older, and Rurumu wasn't at that age yet for it to be of any super concern. She just needed to rest for a couple of days. That meant that Hinahoho would have to take care of their adopted son, Jafar.

At the moment, Jafar had been supposed to be doing his homework, but when Hina came to check on him, he was nowhere to be seen. He's a pesky little kid, that's for sure. Hinahoho had started to think that maybe the kid had changed his ways of being a punk, but that was far from the truth. In fact, he had just become more annoying than he was when he was trying to kill him! Although, it was Rurumu's idea to adopt Jafar, and Hinahoho didn't want to make his wife angry, so he had been putting up with the kids schemes for now... but he was seriously on the brink of losing his mind!

"Jafar! Where are you!?" Hinahoho called out, only to get the seagulls in response. He sighed, shaking his head while rubbing his temples. How was he supposed to raise this little shrimp? He wasn't even an imuchakk, and he was so tiny. Hina had almost crushed him once when he didn't realize Jafar had slept next to him and Rurumu. Now that the kid was missing, there was only one last thing to do... go ask Vittel and Mahad to help!


As much as the imuchakk warrior wanted to deny that he had lost track of his adopted son, he had no choice but to ask the two people that knew Jafar the most.

"Hey, Vittel, Mahad. Got a moment?" Hinahoho asked, waving to the two ex-assassins who were tidying up the ship a little. They knew that if Rurumu found out they were slacking, they were in for a chop. Vittel smiled at the larger man, setting down his broom and waving back.

"Hey Hina, what's up?" He asked, a big smile on his face. Mahad just grunted for a reply, which was something Hinahoho had gotten used to in his months with these men.

"Do you um... know where Jafar is? I can't find him anywhere." Vittel and Mahad both exchanged looks before the former put his hands on his hips, sighing as he shook his head. He shrugged.

"We have no clue, but we do know that sometimes while we were still assassins, he'd disappear for a few hours or maybe days. We'd usually find him in a small space that only he could fit in. Sometimes we'd have to bribe him with food just so that he'd come out of there. He wouldn't eat for days in that space... so, I guess what I'm saying is that you should look in small, dark places." Even though it was good intel, Hina couldn't help but worry even more now. He knew Jafar hadn't had a good life, but... that was just insane. Did he have any reasons for doing this? Probably not. Hinahoho smiled at the two.

"Thanks, I'll ask again if I don't find him." He told them with a wave goodbye before heading down to the bottom deck. There were sheets laid out on the floor which everyone used for beds. Hina remembered once that he'd come down here to grab a blanket for Vittel when he had gotten sick, and he saw Jafar and Sinbad cuddled next to each other to keep warm. It was the sweetest thing in the world, with Sinbad having his arms wrapped around the younger boy's body, hugging him close as they slept. But now that Sinbad was gone, Jafar would often sleep by himself, or with Rurumu only to get smushed by Hina rolling over.

He found himself staring longingly at the blankets, remembering the times when Sinbad and Jafar would hide down here while playing hide-and-seek with Vittel. Hina had been folding up some clothes when all the sudden the two kids raced down into the room. Jafar clearly didn't know how to play the game, so Sinbad pointed to the kid where to go hide. Sinbad hid inside a big bucket, covering himself with blankets while Jafar jumped in between two huge boxes. Vittel found Jafar first, mostly because Hinahoho somewhat directed Vittel to his hiding spot. But in the end, it was all worth it to see the kid smile and laugh for once.

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