It Was A Mistake... (but it worked out ;))

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There will be 2 entirely different stories called "it was a mistake" so be ready.

Justin: I hate everything about life right now. Kams texted me last night sending me this to edit at like- 4 am. She's insane. -HTTP_ATLAS Do I have permission to tape her to her bed until she falls asleep?
Also I'm crying and laughing while reading this- Kams usually writes fluff before angst, as if to prepare us so.... Imma go prepare myself more.

"A girlfriend!?"

Everyone stared at their king in shock, who was scratching the back of his neck nervously while chuckling. When he had mentioned someone catching his eye for once, for real, they automatically thought it was an actual girlfriend. Although, she wasn't even a girl. Haha... He couldn't just reveal that when his crush was in the same room as him.

"Well... we aren't actually together- they're just really cool and," His eyes met with the silver grey like the clouds that made such unique shapes and creatures in the sky- beautiful. "Pretty." He must've said that out loud, because the other tilted their head.

"It's odd to hear about an actual crush. Are you alright, Sin?" Hinahoho commented, a funny tone eased into his voice. That drove all the suspicious glances that Jafar was giving his king away. Sin almost let out a sigh of relief, but stopped himself. He'd reveal himself to Jafar if he did that.

"Yeah, I only found myself feeling this way a week ago... I haven't been able to think about much else apart from them." He exclaimed, chuckling nervously. Jafar made a gasp of sorts, and for a second he thought he'd been found out.

"Is that why you haven't been coming to your office? Usually you're in there from noon to 3 before you hit the bars, but you haven't been in there at all recently." He asked, pointing accusingly at his king. The latter chuckled once more, rubbing his hand over another. "I thought you had a cold, so I let you sleep it off. I guess that wasn't the case..." Did Jafar seem... disappointed? "You were ignoring me all week because of this new love interest." Sinbad nodded. He wasn't exactly wrong, except the part where the reason he was avoiding him was because he was his crush.

"Anyway, what's she like!?" Pisti clambered, easing the now tension between the two. Sinbad hummed, leaning back in his seat.

"They have beautiful" -better keep the color of the hair secret- "hair, soft like the breeze that soothes me to the core. A bright smile, when they do happen to smile, that shines and brightens my nights when the stars can't. They fill a hole in my heart I hadn't realized was there until just recently. I need them, and I hope they feel the same." Pisti and Yamuraiha were making lovey faces, saying things like "aww" and "so cute." "I just don't know how to ask them..."

"Why not just be yourself and seduce her? Always has worked for you in the past." Sharrkan suggested, sitting on the table. Sinbad laughed at that.

"Unfortunately, they are immune to my charms." He explained, his hands clenching together. One wrong move, word or tone would reveal everything to Jafar. He was cunning like that. He could spot anything amiss from a mile away.

"Oh oh, I know!" Yamuraiha piped in, turning to rummage in her lab supplies - they were in her lab room. Then, she pulled out a potion of some sorts. She set it in front of Sinbad on the table. "Here. It's a love potion I've been working on. If you get her to drink this, she should fall in love with you." Sinbad took the potion, looking it over.

"Have you tested it before?" He asked, and Yam nodded eagerly.

"How'd you think I got Sharrkan?"

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