"Yeah I did. But.. being alone gets tiring." Minho said and immediately Jisung remembered Chan's words. Once again Bang Christopher Chan the genius.

A silence took in between the two guys and then Minho turned his head, as he scanned the spacious living room. "Your house is really nice, like I can say that all the time."

"We do live really close to eachother now." Jisung responded with. "You're welcome to come over when you'd like." The ravenette did a lil bounce. "Oh! We did agree that'd we'd have our own study sessions, with actual studying. We can do em here! Or your house."

Minho let out a small chuckle. "Wherever is fine. If it's at mine, as long as-" He cut himself of his sentence and just stayed quiet, that same familiar panic rose in his eyes.

"What?" Jisung questions out. But Minho didn't answer instead completely changed the topic.. "Could I have some water with ice?"

"Oh yeah definitely come on." Jisung says and walks over to the kitchen, with Minho trailing behind.

What was that though, should Jisung ask him about it? The thought was prickling at him but ignored it. They just made up, he was afraid he'd fuck it up again as it's clear Minho still doesn't want to completely open up, share what's bottled up inside.

With a grin Jisung hands Minho a full glass of water with ice cubes. "Here you go."

"Thanks." Minho returns that grin and brings the cup to his lips, downing half of the water then exhales out a breath after pulling the glass back. "Oh hey what about your mom?"

"She's a tough sleeper." Jisung comments with a shrug. "We could blast the tv and she wouldn't budge."

He earns a laugh from Minho and he finishes the rest of the drink. And once he had Jisung notes that it looked like Minho was wanting to buy time because he just stood there, staring down at the cup, and playing with a last droplet of water in the cup, swaying it side to side. The two weren't saying a word and it didn't feel awkward just a comfortable silence drawn between them.

Jisung began to wonder what's resonated within Minho's mind, what could be going on in there right this second. Can't blame him for being curious. Then his eyes avert down, and land on Minho's other hand that is rested on the kitchen island. A sudden urge beckoning to place his hand ontop and perhaps getting him to talk more, and Jisung there to comfort him.

There were times when Felix had teased Jisung to just go for it and hold Minho's hand and see how he reacts. Which Jisung always thought he was crazy for suggesting. But yet he has wondered how their hands would look locked, fingers intertwined. He so badly wants to go for it and was really thinking about it but what if Minho gets disgusted and-

Jisung's phone starts to ring so he shrugs that thought away instantly and takes it out to see it's the blonde aussie wanting to video chat. "Oh it's Felix." Jisung points out.

"Go ahead and answer I'll just occupy myself with this." Minho says and takes out his own phone. It's pretty surprising how Minho still wasn't leaving, Jisung thought for sure the visit would be cut quick. Just an apology and there done. Jisung didn't mind of course because it's Minho's company.

The ravenette presses answer and there he's presented with Felix's freckled sunshine face on the screen. "Hey lix what's up."

"Not you still being awake!" Felix exclaims. "Well so am I duh but whatever. Anyways I called because I wanna tell you about this asmr video I was watching."

"You do this all the time." Jisung replies.

"Because I like to share!" Felix squeaked out. "But oh my gosh so in the video this lady ate corn dogs, forty eight of them!"

"And you sat through the whole thing?" Jisung questioned, squinting his eyes a bit.

"Yes! Ok no that's a lie I didn't watch the whole thing but! it made me wonder if I would be able to do that? I do love corn dogs. These type of videos always make me think I swear but- wait what's Minho doing there?!"

Jisung had zoned out during Felix's nagging that he failed to notice that Minho scooted too to close to him wanting to peek at the screen. He flinched a bit blinking fast. "Minho you scared me!"

"What I wanted to see, and plus no need to keep me hidden." Minho let out with a tsk. "I came over to hang out that's it." He says to Felix. "In case you've forgotten Jisung is my favorite out of you guys."

"Wh- ok y'know what I don't blame you." Felix answered, with his finger pointed up. "He's also my favorite. Now question is who's his favorite out of the two of us-"

"Ok bye lix! Talk to you tomorrow!" Jisung rushed out.

"Oh yes you will." Felix replied waving and Jisung hung up.

"Well what's your answer?" Minho questions out, tilting his head.

Jisung turns to him, with a puzzled expression. "Huh?"

"Who's your favorite out of the two of us." Minho chimed with and Jisung's lips parted struggling to answer getting Minho to chuckle at that."Nah I'm just kidding you don't have to choose. Guessing it's a tie."

"That that is very true!" Jisung exclaimed and then gets a message which he's quick to check, just reading it plastered on the lock screen. It's from Felix in all caps saying 'DETAILS TOMORROW GOT IT LOVE YA BESTIEEE 💖 '

Minho then looks at the time on his phone and says. "I should get going."

"It is getting late, but wait before you go. You left the group chat." Jisung brings up into light, frowning.

"Oh yeah ..eh I wouldn't even talk in it." Minho said with a shoulder shrug. "Plus Changbin kept saying your mom jokes to me."

Jisung let out a small laugh, crossing his arms."Classic Binnie."

"Annoying Binnie." Minho corrects, rolling his eyes.

"So I don't have your permission to add you back in?" Jisung questions, raising a brow. "Lee Minho you are part of the group and I'm not letting you get yourself left out. No one stays behind. And if you get annoyed you can always just silence the chat."

Minho smiled, the biggest he had tonight and holy shit the butterflies that fluttered within Jisung from that smile alone. Minho pushes his lips to one side, and hummed as if pondering. "Honestly Han Jisung how could I say no to that."

Zamn that was quick, it surprised Jisung alot. "I'll do it tomorrow then." He states and earns yet another sweet smile from the other and to think this was a dream, reality was really gifting him and on his side. They walked to the door and bid 'goodnights' before Minho makes his leave, Jisung closing the door behind that handsome pretty dood.

It's 10:51PM, he goes back into his room and while he's on his bed staring up at the ceiling his mind won't stop rewinding to minutes ago, that time spent with Minho, the fan boyish smile he had plastered just thinking about it. A healing moment right there. Ugh how much Jisung fucking hates this, having feelings for someone, for that guy. They make him feel shitty in a good yet bad way. It's a mix of both.

Jisung had his lips pursed glaring at nothingness, he suddenly needed to make a call. He extends his arm out to his lampside table, going right to Felix's contact.

The blonde picked up after two rings, with a groggy voice. "Why hi again, I was falling asleep but what's up?"

"Felix..how do you stop being madly in love with someone." After that left Jisung's mouth, he felt embarrassed, face palming hard with his free hand , and fingers grasping tightly at his dark fringe near his eye after.

"Oh Ji I'm no help, I ask myself that everyday. So I say we suffer together."

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