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This is a Dream SMP-inspired AU (Alternate Universe) in the Manberg (Tommy and Wilbur's exile) arc that I've decided to work on here and on but Wattpad will be first

Here are a few more things to know about the AU before we go further onto the chapters:

-Grian is a Watcher in this AU, yes. Parrot, too.

-The AU has graphic depictions of violence, death & detailed descriptions of wounds ;)

-No perma-death


-Father figure Xisuma :DDDDDD

-a lot of angst :'D

-you'll find confusion here and there.

-not smth about the AU but here's how the title for the parts are gonna go: POV | TITLE and if the POV is in the middle of the chapter, it will look like this:

insert talk

| POV |

insert talk

-No villains :)

remember that this is my first ever Wattpad story so it's gonna be (sorta?) bad.

On that note(s), enjoy the story :D

Fabricated Enmites [attempt on getting out of HIATUS] Where stories live. Discover now