"Hi, good morning" I said as I entered the café.

There were cute little plants all over the place, the atmosphere was really comforting.

"Hi! What can I get you?" the pink haired barista asked.

"Uhm, I'll have an iced latte and a blueberry muffin"

"Sure! Do you want the latte with regular milk or?"

"Oh, I'll have it with oat milk"


As I headed to the nearest free table and sat down, waiting for my order to be ready, I spotted a familiar figure entering the shop.

It was Sam.

She was wearing a short cropped vest with a blazer on top and black pants. I noticed she was also wearing high heel shoes, higher than any kind of heel I'd be comfortable wearing.

I kind of didn't know what to do. Wait for her to order and just see if she noticed me or approached her? If I did approach her I probably would have made a fool of myself, considering the social skills I had in front of her the other day.

I must have been staring at her without realizing it, as she suddenly turned around, and for a second we embarrassingly made eye contact.

Actually, I was probably the only one to feel embarrassed. I'd only met her once but she really seemed to be the confident type of person.

As soon as she collected her order she headed towards me, lowering her sunglasses from her eyes.

"Fancy seeing you here" she said.

"Hi!" I replied, not knowing what else to say. I hoped I didn't seem too excited to see her. "How's it going?"

My palms started to feel sweaty and my heart rate fastened. I couldn't understand if it was because of my social anxiety or just because she was so attractive she made me panic.

"I'm good, thanks. Honestly already exhausted because of work but good. You?"

Speaking of work, I really needed to get a side job too, so I kind of wanted to ask her how she found a job as a student and stuff. But she looked quite restless for some reason, so I figured out she probably didn't want to talk about that.

"I'm fine, thanks. You can sit here if you want" I said pointing at the chair in front of mine.

I probably wouldn't have been able to form a proper sentence without messing all the words up if she'd actually joined me, but I wanted to seem polite.

"I'm kind of in a rush at the moment. As I said I've got lots to do at work. We can catch up sometime though"

"Yeah, I'd be glad to! You know where to find me, I guess" I joked.

She actually wanted to spend time with me?

She was probably just making fun of me. It seemed impossible to me that such a stunning and probably popular woman wanted to spend time with me, an awkward girl who barely even knew what she was doing.

"Of course" she said putting her sunglasses back on. "See you, then" she added, heading out.

I wondered if she always was that serious or if I'd said something wrong. Or maybe she was just stressed. At least, that's what I was hoping.

I went home feeling a bit more relaxed. Still anxious, but not so on edge. I stopped convincing myself that I'd end up alone throughout all college.

I figured out a lazy movie night wouldn't do me any harm, so after I'd had something to eat I changed into my pajamas and settled on the couch, ready to probably fall asleep after ten minutes of whatever movie I chose to watch.

Until I suddenly heard someone knocking on my door. Which led me to panicking, because who the hell knew who lived in this apartment apart from myself?

I didn't even know if I was supposed to open or to just ignore whoever it was, since they were probably playing a prank or thought my flat was someone else's.

I decided to open, just in case.

And that was probably the right decision.

I found myself face to face with Sam. She was dressed as if she was ready to go out. Her black top was barely covering her torso, allowing her cleavage to be exposed.

"Did I startle you? I'm sorry if I did" she chuckled

"Uh... no, don't worry. I was just... I mean... never mind. What's up?" I blurted, feeling ridiculous and trying to look confident in front of her, even if I felt immensely intimidated.

I kind of wished I could have digged a hole in the floor and hide in it for a week, to be honest. My cheeks felt like they were going to burn.

"I was supposed to go to the bar down the road but my friend stood me up at the last time"

"Oh" I just said. 

"I don't feel like going alone though. I was wondering if you wanted to come along, if you're not already busy with something better..." she said as her eyes scammed my body, probably judging my questionable outfit. "Nice shirt" she sarcastically added.

I admit that a Donald Duck worn out t-shirt I've been wearing since I was sixteen years old wasn't the greatest fashion choice. But at least it was comfortable.

"It's just a pajama top, I..."

"I was just kidding" she said laughing. "So, are you coming?"

"Uh... I guess I could. I just need to get ready. I won't be long"

"Sure thing. We can meet in front of my flat in like half an hour"

"Ok, sounds good" I replied as she gestured an 'okay' sign and started to walk down the stairs.

What the fuck was I doing?

I'd barely even ever gone to a bar and I wasn't allowed to drink. Did she think I was over twenty-one?

First thing I did was text Vic. I knew she'd answer right away.

You: VIC

vic<3 : what's up??? 

You: i have a problem
You: well not really

vic<3: once again, do u mind telling me what's going on? 

You: hot neighbor sam asked if i want to go to the bar with her. her friend stood her up and she doesn't wanna go alone

vic<3: OMG???? what did u say 

You: i said yes but how tf am i supposed to act and how tf am i supposed to dress

vic<3: oh my goddddd

You: you're not helping :/

vic<3: sorry i'm just extremely excited for you. dress in the hottest clothes you have. something that shows some skin. she's gonna fall in love with u

You: vic!!!! :/

vic<3: lmaoo sorry. please do go, though. it'll be an experience

You: i guess so. i hope i won't make a fool of myself. 

vic<3: smh why would you? now go get ready bitch!

She was right. This was probably an opportunity to get to know new people. Especially Sam.

I was dying to spend time with her but was completely terrified of her at the same time. And I didn't even know why, I'd literally talked to her twice and didn't know a single thing about her.

I wore high wasted grey pants and a dark red shirt, making sure to leave the top buttons open. I quickly did my make up, grabbed my keys and purse, then headed out.

I'd be lying if I said my hands and legs weren't slightly shaking.

Bitter (wlw) (teacherxstudent)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon