In the Movies pt.1(M)⚠️

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Chaeyoung did not understand the purpose of going out to sit in a large, dark room to watch a film on a screen that took up one wall nor why it was considered entertainment she never gone to the movie theaters once so she doesn't see the relevance.

On the contrary Mina seem to enjoy the useless activity. So she suppose could bear the two-hour torture for her sake.

"I think we're the only ones here" Mina comments, observing the empty movie room before them.

"What does that mean?" Chaeyoung ask unenthusiastically.

"Um..." Mina scratches the back of her head sheepishly. "It could mean that the movie is bad... or that it's been showing for a while,old and we're the only ones who haven't seen it yet."

Chaeyoung raises a brow. "Which is it?"

"No idea."

Wonderful. Now it was possible that they have stepped into something even more terrible.

Mina senses Chaeyoung's dismay and affectionately link her arm to her girlfriend. "If it's really that bad, we can leave and do something better" she reassures

"Then I suggest we go home" Chaeyoung replies looking toward the the door.

Mina giggles and pokes Chaeyoung sweetly on the nose something she likes but due to the annoyance she disliked greatly this moment.

Despite the korean flinching in irritation from the gesture Mina still continues to do it, taking joy in making Chaeyoung glare at her like this for some reason perhaps she found it cherishable. "You make it sound like torture" she quips


Mina let Chaeyoung lead her to the top she didn't seem to mind her girlfriends's choice of leaving but then drags the raven toward the middle of the row  but Chaeyoung would rather sit at the edge, right by the exit.

"Don't be such a party pooper" Mina tells her when she saw Chaeyoung scowl. "The middle is always best for viewing movies."

As they finally sat down, the lights lowers. Chaeyoung glances up curiously, wondering who or what was causing the room to dim if they were the only ones in the theater

"There's a projector up there" Mina explains pointing above and behind them where the light was shining through. "And I guess the light controls are there too." She laugh a bit knowing the Chaeyoung grew up in the mountains with no technology "It's okay Chaeng don't panic."

"I am not panicking."

Mina didn't seem to hear Chaeyoung as her eyes were already fixated on the moving pictures before them. Chaeyoung follows her entranced gaze.

These so-called previews were mostly foolish and nerve-grating. There didn't seem to be any merit in these upcoming pictures, no lessons to be learned, no complicated plots or characters.

Chaeyoung moves her elbow to get comfortable but accidentally slam it into the armrest. She tsk as a bit of pain shot up her arm.

"What's wrong?" Mina questions turning from Chaeyoung to the object of her stern gaze, and chuckles. With ease, she lifts up the armrest between them. "I guess you're not getting any more convinced of the fun of movie theaters huh?"

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