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Mina trudge through the snow, arms full of wood as she made her way back to her cabin. She tried to ignore how the cold bit through her skin, threadbare gloves or the way her breath hung in the cold night air, trying to focus instead on the roaring fire she would soon have going when she got back inside.

She was about 100 feet away from her front door when her sensitive hearing pick up a noise off to her right. Her brunette curls whip around her head as she turn, eyes squinting in the near dark, searching for the source of the disturbance.

Mina could make out a clanging metal noise accompanied by some growling. It sounded like another animal was caught in one of those horrible traps she had found throughout the woods. No matter how many she disarmed, there always seemed to be more out there.

She looked down at her armload of firewood, sighing before she trotted the small distance to the cabin, dropping the wood on the front porch before she cautiously made her way towards the sound, which had grown more frantic and loud.

Entering the thick forest, it was not long before she found the source of the disturbance. She had been right about the trap, cruel metal teeth were locked around the front leg of a dark furred creature, one which was obviously none too pleased about the situation, biting and clawing at the metal, though it was anchored deep into the ground.

Mina crept as close as she could, trying to get a better glimpse of the animal. Her eye sight was much better in the dark ever since the incident, but it wasn't perfect. It appeared to be a large dog, one that was in need of a good groomer's appointment, but still a dog. She hoped it wasn't feral as its ears suddenly swiveled forward, golden eyes suddenly locking onto her dark ones.

"Hey, shhh, it's okay" she soothes, holding her hands out in what she hopes was an unthreatening way as it growls at her. "I can help you, if you let me. My name's Mina."

The dog seems to cock its head at her, ending its growling as it sniffs her intently.

Good, it must be familiar with people, Mina surmise, taking that as a good sign. She edge forward, making sure not to make any sudden moves. "It's okay boy" she cooes reaching out for its injured leg.

The dog jerk its head back, seemingly indignant.

"Okay girl then?" she tries again, chuckling when it or she, seems to relax. "Alright, this is going to hurt, I'd appreciate it if you didn't bite me, okay?"

The dog howls, as if it was insulted by the very idea. Mina just shake her head, she must be spending way too much time on her own if she believed this dog was actually having a conversation with her.

She cautiously bent down, ready to jerk back at any sign of aggression. She watch the dog intently while she reaches down and take hold of the metal jaws, giving the creature an apologetic look before she used her enhance strength to pry the trap open, giving her a chance to remove it's injure leg.

The dog gave a single yelp when the metal was remove from its flesh, quickly pulling away from the trap. The dog licks attentively at the wound before it began to back away from Mina, slinking into the woods.

"Hey, wait!" Mina calls, suddenly alarm at the thought of the dog leaving for some reason. "You're injured, I can't just leave you alone in the cold. It's Christmas Eve, after all," she adds as if that would make a difference to the animal.

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