Chapter 16- Midnight Part 1

Start from the beginning

~Doctor's POV~

Ive been wandering around the tourist shops for about 3 hours now, and Eternity should probably be done with her massages and what not now. I took out my phone and dialed her number.

"Hey love. Im going on this tour with sapphire water falls and cool stuff like that if you want to come" I said cheerfully into the phone.

"Sure! That sounds awesome! Im just sunbathing right now, so let me go and get dressed and then come pick me up, okay?" I smiled.

"Of course, I'll be there in a bit. Love you." I hung up the phone and started walking towards the spa. I made it there within 20 minutes, and she stood there leaning up against the TARDIS.

"Hello." I snaked my arms around her waist and kissed her.

"Hello." She said smiling as I took her hand and we started to the bus.

"Thank you for taking me here." She said smiling up at me, wrapping her arm around mine.
"Anything for the crazy woman I love." I winked at her, and she blushed. About 15 minutes later, we made it to the bus and boarded.

"Do you want to go to the anti-gravity restaurant with bibs tonight?" I asked as we sat down.

"Sounds fantastic!" she said as she looked through a magazine. A few more people flooded in and sat in there seats. I took Eternity's hand in mine and smiled at her, then looked around the bus ship thing. A woman came over to us and started handing us our complimentary stuff. This included ear buds, peanuts, juice pack, and a blindfold.

"Heres your stuff love" I said handing the stuff I didn't want to Eternity.

"Oi! Is this all the stuff you don't want?" She gave me a face, and then went back to her magazine.

"Oh whatever." I heard the people behind us discussing the sapphire waterfall. I turned to face the man.

"Hobs. Professor Winfold Hobs." I shook his hand and smiled at him.

"Hi Im The Doctor, and this is my wife Eternity." She turned around and waved at them.

"My 14th time." I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh. Wonderful" I smiled and watched as Eternity fully turned around and rested on the back of the chair like I am.

"And Im Dede. Dede Blasko." The sound woman shook my hand, along with Eternity's. We both turned back around, and I noticed that a blond woman was watching us. I guess Eternity noticed when she nudged me, and looked at the woman. The hostess welcomed us, and showed us how to use the TV.

"I am afraid the view is shielded until we reach the waterfall palace." She walked back to where she sat before, and we the bus started off. Eternity took my hand back, and I kissed it, then smiled at her. I looked over to see the blond woman staring us down again. She rolled her eyes and then looked away.

I pulled out my sonic as discreetly as I could and turned off the TV, that no one was even watching. The hostess apologized because there was a "Entertainment malfunction", and Eternity shook her head and smiled. One couple started complaining about it.

"Well, I'll tell you what. I guess we'll just have to talk to each other instead." I rested up against the back of my seat, and Eternity followed my actions. About 30 minutes later, everyone was laughing and having a good time. I talked to this couple, as Eternity talked to the son of the couple I was talking to.

~Eternity's POV~

"So whats your name?" I asked the young boy and he looked up at me, his eyes growing wide. I was forced to listen to everyone else laughing, so I couldn't really hear what he said. A few moments later, I watched as The Doctor talked to the young woman who came with Professor Hobs.

Im not gonna lie, I was getting a little jealous and I wasn't sure if The Doctor noticed or not. The Doctor looked back at me, and then motioned for me to some talk with them. I walked over, and stood next to The Doctor.

"Hey. We were just talking about why she came here with Mr. Hobs." He smiled at me and then took my hand.

"So did they ever find the lost moon of Poosh?" The Doctor asked as she grabbed herself some coffee.

"Oh. No, not yet." She shook her head smiling.

"Well, maybe that will be your great discovery one day!" I said smiling at her sweetly. We toasted to Poosh, and then I went and fell asleep in my chair. Once I woke up, I looked around and I saw The Doctor talking to the blond woman.

"Oh no. I came here with my wife, Eternity." He looked over at me, and smiled. I waked over and sat next to him.

"Hi. Im Eternity" I smiled and shook her hand.

"Oh. Whats this? Chicken or beef?" She opened the plastic casing and looked at the meal with disgust.

"I think its both." I said picking a piece up and examining it. Soon enough Professor Hobs was giving an educational lecture about midnight, and how the sapphire waterfall can't possibly be made of sapphires.

"I am the first person to research this you see, because the history is fascinating. Because there is no history in this entire system. There couldn't be. Before the tourists came here and settled down, no on head ever set foot here in all of eternity. No living thing." He enunciated with his hands very prominently as he explained. Suddenly, the bus stopped, and everyone started going frantic. I gave The Doctor a look, furrowing my eyebrows.

"If you could just all return to your seats. Its just a small delay." The hostess said with a nervous smile. I held The Doctors hand as we walked back to our seats, and I started to get nervous. Then I calmed myself down realizing that The Doctor wouldn't let anything happen to me or the baby, even if it meant risking his own life. He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, and kissed my forehead. The Doctor turned the hostess, and looked rather suspicially and got up, taking me with him. The hostess tried to stop him, and the he shoved his psychic in her face, and we entered where the drivers sat.

"Oi! You're not supposed to be in here!" one of the men said, and The Doctor obviously annoyed, and showed him his psychic paper. The man apologized, and The Doctor scanned the controls with his sonic and tried to work out what was going on. The Doctor looking at me, worried. Suddenly, we heard a bang on the side of the bus.

I jumped a little and The Doctor put a hand on my shoulder.

"So whats the problem driver joe?" The Doctor asked as he leaned in-between both of there seats.

"We're stabilizing the engine feet. Wont take long" the man continued his work, ignoring us.

"Ummm. No. Because that the engine feet right there, and its fine." The Doctor pointed at the diagram of the ship.

"So, whats actually wrong?" He said smirking at his own cleverness.

"We've just stopped. Look, everything fine and everything working, but we're not moving." The Doctor scanned the controls once more, and read the calculations.

"Oh. You're right. So who are you?" The Doctor put his sonic away in his tweed pocket.

"Claud. Im a mechanic." The man flipped his hands up in defeat
"Ive sent a distress signal, and they should dispatch a rescue truck at top speed." The Doctor studied the panels.

"How long?" He asked turning to the other man.

"About an hour." I sighed, just wanting to get back before anything happens.

"Eternity. Everything is going to be okay. When have I not made sure you're okay?" I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek before walking back out of the room. As soon as I walked out, everyone started bombarding me with questions. The Doctor came out when he heard all of the commotion.

"You lot listen up. My wife is with child, and is very tired okay? You do not dare bother her when she goes to rest? You hear me?" The Doctor said in a stern tone, and then re-entered the room with the other two men. I walked to my seat quietly, and played down trying to sleep. I was almost asleep when I heard a banging noise, and then another and another. '4 knocks.

The heartbeat of a Timelord'

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