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She promised that wouldn't be any of this. And she lied. I trusted someone else who's not Lizzie and they played with my trust.

I run in search for Jennifer. I found her high with a boy. I took her away from an arm.

"YOU PROMISED THERE WOULDNT BE ALCHOL OR DRUGS" I shouted because of the music.
"OMG, LIVE YOUR LIFE, WE ARE YOUNG, WE DO THIS THINGS, YOU HAVE TO TRY" she shouted handing me a bear.

You have to know that before meeting Lizzie I had a lot of problems with alchol and drugs and I don't think Lizzie will want me if she know that.

I shake my head no but she didn't give up. She really wanted me to drink it. I could see Thalia and Hope walking towards us.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Thalia shouted while Hope was calling someone, I think Lizzie. And now what am I going to tell her?

Jennifer didn't leave me alone so Thalia jumped between us and she punched Jennifer right in her face. Then she took my arm and she brought me far from the blond girl. We walked outside and after some minutes Lizzie arrived. Hope called her. She run towards me and she hugged me. Needless to say I was having a panic attack.

She asked the girls what happened and they explained everything since I couldn't spoke.

"I'm going to take her home, do you need a ride?"
"No thank you, my mom is coming too" Thalia answered.

When we arrived home I remembered that the marvel cast was coming tonight. I didn't stop with them and I just walked in my room. I closed my door and I threw everything I could to the ground. When I was done I started screaming. I don't know why but I needed to.

Suddenly I felt someone catching me from behind and I knew it was Lizzie. I had to continue shouting and that's what I did. I continued screaming and crying while Lizzie was keeping me up. She was trying to calm me down telling me something.
"Hey, you're ok. Everything's ok. I'm here. I'm here with you and I'm not going anywhere"

Eventually I calmed down.
"Love, what happened? Your friends told me but this is not you. What did really happened?"
"I-I finally trusted someone who is not you, and it didn't turn out well. S-she promised me there would not have been alcohol or drugs but she lied"
"I'm so sorry honey but I can say this is not everything. Tell me. I'm not leaving you"
"I-I had problems with alcohol and drugs before meeting you, and it could be easy for me to fall again in these"
"Oh, I didn't know this"
"Now you're leaving me right?"
"No, I would never. You are my beautiful princess and I love you. No matter what"
"Thank you mom"
"You're welcome honey"
"I'm sorry but I'm not in the mood to come down with the others"
"It's ok, if you want I can tell them to go away"
"Thank you but no, it's ok, you can go with them"
"Are you sure you Don't want me to stay with you?"
"Yes, I'm fine now" I smiled at her. She stood up and she kissed my forehead. Then she walked away.

I sat on my bed and I took out my phone. I had two new messages. Strange. No one write to me but the cast.

It was Thalia and Hope. They asked me if everything was going alright.

Unknown number
Hi Eve, I'm Thalia, I wanted to ask if everything was ok?

Hi Thalia, yes, everything's fine, thank you

Your welcome

I saved her number and then I answered to Hope too. The conversation was almost the same.

I closed the phone and I noticed I was still crying. I decided to play the piano since it always calm me down.

Where the doors are moaning all day long,
Where the stairs are leaning dusk 'till dawn,
Where the windows are breathing in the light,
Where the rooms are a collection of our lives,
This is a place where I don't feel alone
This is a place that I call my home
This is a place that I call my home

I finished and I stopped crying. I knew it. I leaned in bed and in more or less 5 minutes I was asleep.

I returned with the others and I explained everything. After a while we heard Eve singing.

"I love her voice, I could stay here listening her all day" Brie said and the others agreed.
"Lizzie, we're leaving, go to your daughter, we can see that you want to stay with her" RDJ said and I didn't complain. He was right. I really wanted to stay with her.

They left and I walked upstairs. Evelyn was sleeping so I carefully laid next to her and I fell asleep too.

My poor baby has been through a lot today, I don't want her to feel like this. I hate seeing her like this.

858 words

I'm sorry for not having posted for a lot but I had a lot to do and I'm running out of ideas

Anyway, I hope you like it

Love you

The Lost One - Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now