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I woke up at 3am because I felt Eve move and shake. I turned on the light near the bed and I looked at her. She was shaking and she was sweating. I woke her up after tasting her forehead. She was hot and May I add a lot.

"Evelyn, honey, how do you feel?"
"Mom, I'm cold"
"Oh, honey. I'm gonna go downstairs to take a thermometer" she slowly nodded.

When I turned back I measured her temperature and she in fact had fever. I laid on the bed again and I squeezed her closer to me. She started crying a bit.
"What's wrong honey?"
"My head hurts. A lot"
"Why don't you try to sleep? Tomorrow you will be better. And if you don't I'll give you something" she nodded into my chest and then after some time she fell asleep again and when I made sure she was sleeping I fell asleep too.

I woke up at 8am. There wasn't Colin in bed so I think he is downstairs or at work. I slowly made my way downstairs and I entered into the kitchen where I found Chris and Rose laughing as always.

"Good morning sleepyhead" Chris said to me.
"Good morning, Lizzie and Eve are still sleeping?"
"I think so"
"There are aunt Lizzie and Eve?"
"Yes, and what do you think of going to wake them up?" I asked to my daughter. She quickly nodded as she run upstairs with me after her.

She entered into the room slowly and then when she was near the bed she jumped on it and she shouted:
"Good morning, sun is shining"

Lizzie woke up immediately but Eve groaned and she laced her head on Lizzie chest. Lizzie wrapped her arm around her head while the other was already under Evelyn head.

"Every thing ok?"
"At 2am she woke up with fever and headache. She just need some rest" Lizzie explained to me. I nodded.
"Well if you want breakfast is ready" I continued and then I took Rose hand and I took her downstairs.

Chris looked at us and then behind us expecting to see Lizzie and Eve.
"They don't want to wake up?" He laughed.
"No, Eve has fever and headache, Lizzie is staying with her" I explained.
"Oh, ok. I hope she will be better soon"

After an hour they didn't came downstairs. Me and Chris had to go on set, I just brought Rose at school ad Colin is at work. They can stay here but Lizzie has some stuff to do and she promised to do them today.

I walked in their bedroom but there wasn't anyone in bed. Then I heard someone crying in the bathroom so I run into it. I found Eve sitting next to the toilet crying and Lizzie sitting next to her holding her hair. They looked at me when I entered.
"Oh, Eve, I'm sorry. Do you want me to take you something" she sakes her head no.
"Thanks aunt scar but I'm-" she was interrupted by a flow of vomit. Lizzie quickly holds her hair better and she rubbed Eve's back.
"I'm taking something for you, hold on" I said and then I walked downstairs to take something for Eve. I walked back upstairs and after taking the medicines Eve laid in bed again and I asked Lizzie to talk for a second.

"Tell me"
"Are you coming work today? Cause you promised to finish something today and you know that you have to do it"
"Fuck I completely forgot about that. I cant leave Eve like this alone and i cant even bring her on set"
"Well, me and Chris have to go on set so we can ask someone to come over here and look after her until you are done with work. How does this sound?"
"Yeas, its ok. Sounds good. Who can we ask?"
"I think there will be Holland and Zendaya, or RDJ, Gwinnett, Brie and Hemsworth"
"we will ask who can there. Im going to tell Eve what we are going to do" she explained and I nodded, then she walked in the room.

Lizzie turned back from the chat with Scarlett.
"Honey, I have to go on set so you will be here alone for a while. When we will arrive there we will ask someone to come here and look after you. Ok?"
"No, I can do it myself"
"You can barely walk, you will not stay here alone for that much"
"Ugh, okay" I said and I closed gamy eyes for the much light in the room. She stroked my hair and she kissed my hot forehead.
"Bye baby"
"Bye momma" I answered and before she closes the door I talk to her again.
"Yes baby?"
"Can you turn off the light?" I complained and she laughed a bit making me smile.
"Sure princess" she turned off the light and then she closed the door. I feel my eyes heavy so i decided to rest them for a while. A while that became like an hour i think. I woke up again hearing the door closing. Then i heard footsteps and the door of my room opening.

It took me a while to get used to the light but when I did I saw who was. Holland and Zendaya were here.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" Zendaya asked me sweetly. I weakly smiled at her and I closed again my eyes because the light was hurting my head.
"Tom, turn off the light" she ordered him and he did what she told him to do.
"You are welcome. If you feel to you can come downstairs and watch something together"
"Can't we watch it here?" I asked her pointing to the tv in front of the bed. They both laughed but they agreed.

They went downstairs to take off their shoes and to take something to eat while I chose what we could watch. I thought that since we have all the day and we meet a lot we could start to watch a tv series. I picked my phone and I typed on internet some seres for teenager. I read something cool but nothing that I wanted to watch at the moment. There was stranger things, the 100, the vampires diaries, gossip girl and a lot of others. I scroll until I fount the perfect one. It was about some teenagers with problems with drugs and alcoholism. Euphoria was the name of the series.

As i finished choosing what we could watch Zendaya and Tom came back.
"Have you found something?"
"Yeah, since we have all day and we meet a lot I choose to watch a tv series"
"What tv series?"
"One about teenager with drugs problems and alcoholism, its called Euphoria" i looked at them and their eyes widen.
"We are definitely not watching that"
"We can watch something happier, what do you think?"
"Ohh, understand. You are in it and you don't want me to see you like this and doing something. Ok, what do you think about the 100?"
"Its ok for me"
"Same here"
We started watching the 100. I still had some headache and fever but I was feeling better. I wasn't between Tom and Zendaya, they are the lovers here.

1231 words

The Lost One - Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now