2-it's her birthday

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⚠️panic attack, mention of suicide⚠️

Elizabeth pov
It's been 15 fucking years and there isn't a day I don't think about her. I miss my baby.

Today is her birthday and all I can think is that now she is probably celebrating her birthday with her family, and she's laughing with them, joking with them and she is opening a lot of presents.

I hope it's like this. I would prefer that she was with me, but if she's happy, I'm happy.

Evelyn pov
Today it's my birthday and I know this will be my best birthday ever.

I'm going to spend the morning with my family and I'm the afternoon I have a volleyball match.

I've been playing volleyball since I was 5 so for 10 years. I like volleyball because for me it's a break from the shitty life I live in. I'm not saying it's gross, because I have a family who loves me, not like they do with my sister but they do love me. I said it's a shitty life because of my social anxiety, I think.
I have social anxiety and that's mean that I hate myself and I think that everyone hates me too even if I don't have any prove and they have treated me very good since I've met them. Anyway, I play volleyball only for this reason even because I don't have friends and my coach raped me a few times. Now I'm even scared to leave the team because I think that he would be very mad at me and then he will found me and  probably rape me again or he could kill me. In this occasion overthink isn't the best but I can't help with that.

The morning went well and now I'm going to the match.

Elizabeth pov
I was thinking about Evelyn, like every day, when I got a text from Chris.

Hey, this afternoon my niece has a volleyball match. Do you want to come to see it?

Yes, I have nothing to do all day

I'm waiting for Chris to pick me up.

Ding dong

I picked my things and I got in the car.

"Hey, Liz"
"Hey, Chris"
"It's everything ok?"
"Yeah, more or less"
"Now we are going to have a lot of fun and you will be better than good"

We arrived at the match and it was already started. They were all very good in my opinion. I played volleyball when I was ai high school but not anymore.

There was a girl that caught my attention. She was very good, a lot better than the others, she somehow was a lot similar to me.

"Chris who is the girl in the middle?"
"What girl?"
"Number 4"
"Oh, I don't know I've seen her only at the match. She's good right?"
"Yes, but don't you think she's very similar to me?"
"You're right, I've never noticed this"

I couldn't look away from the girl. Maybe she's my little princess. Oh what I'm thinking? It could not be her.

*at the end of the match*
When we were waiting for Betty, Chris niece, I saw the girl that I was watching before. I really want to talk to her so I went closer.

"What's your name?"

I froze. It's her name. She has the same name as my daughter. Maybe its really her.

"Are you ok? "
"Y-yes, I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie"
"Yes, I already know this"
"Oh...You're very good at volleyball"
"Oh, thanks, sorry for the question but why are you here?"
"Oh I come to see a friend's niece playing"
"Yeah, I mean why are you talking with me?"
"Oh, I just wanted to tell you that you played very well"
"Thanks" she smiled. Now even Chris is with us.
"Evelyn" the coach called out. She jumped a little and you could see that she was anxious and nervous, maybe even scared(?)

Evelyn pov
"Evelyn" oh fuck. I know why he's looking for me. I can't do it anymore. I don't want to.
I slowly turned around. He was nervous, or stressed, and it's not a good thing because he goes harder when he's stressed.
I decide to stop this. I quickly run behind Lizzie and Chris. They watched me with a confusion look.
"Please" I whispered. I saw Lizzie nod and then the coach arrived to us.

"You know that I know that you are there? We have to go, now"
"I said no" I repeat louder.
He grabbed my wrist and he pulled me towards him. He was going to bring me outside when Lizzie grabbed my other wrist.

"She said no"
"Can you repeat who the fuck are you?"
"In the woman that if she wants can put you in prison"
"She has to come home with me"
"No, she's not"

"Hey uncle Chris" Betty arrives "What's going on?"
"He want her to go with him but she doesn't want" he replies.
"She goes with him every time, she's fine. Can we go? I'm hungry"

"I go with him only because he obliges me"
"Yes, of course, stop being dramatic and shut the fuck up"-Betty
"What?! She's a bother"-Betty
"I've never spoke to you since now so how can I be a bother to you?"
"You exist, that's the bother"
"OHHH, I KNOW THIS! YOU ARE NOT THE FIRST ONE TO TELL ME!" They all went quiet. I wanted this to be over so I continue. The worst thing that can happen is that everyone is going to hate me and I get tired so I will kill myself. It's not a very bed thing.

"I KNOW THAT I SHOULD BE DEAD! NOBODY WANTS ME OR LOVE ME! I HAVE SOCIAL ANXIETY: I HATE MYSELF AND I THINK EVERYONE HATES ME TOO! SO WHY I AM STILL HERE?!?!" I take my wrist out of their ands and I run outside. I know that I'm going to have a panic attack now so I went in an alley and I sit there. My breath was heavy. I couldn't breath. I couldn't understand what was around me. This was a bad panic attack.

Elizabeth pov
I run after her. She really think that she's a burden to everyone? That she didn't deserve to live? Poor girl.
I saw her sit in an alley. I went close to her, she was having a panic attack, and it was a very bad panic attack.

"Hey, hey you are ok, breath with me" she didn't do anything. I heard Chris coming towards us with his niece but I stay focused on the girl.
"Evelyn can you hear me?" I speak louder. Nothing.
"EVELYN, BREATH" I shouted shaking her.
"I-I can't"
"Yes, yes you can. Follow my breath" she tried but nothing. If she continues like this she will pass out.
"Evelyn please" she passed out.
"EVELYN, PLEASE" I was shouting and crying.

Chris run towards her and he picked her up.
"Lizzie cmon! Get in the car"
I got in the car and he started driving towards the hospital.

*at the hospital*
"Hi, what happened?"
"S-she was having a panic attack and she passed out"
"Ok, we will take care of her, are you related?"
"No" Chris answered.
"I have a question"
"What is it?"
"Can we do a DNA test?"
"Of course, come with me"

We went in a room and he did what he has to do. Evelyn was with another doctor.
"We will do it to her when the doctor will be over"
"Will she be ok?"
"Yes, she will"
"The results will be ready in 4 hours"
"Ok, oh and please, don't tell her, I want to tell her"

1303 words

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