That's when I spotted it, the steps. They were hidden at the corner behind some barrels. Pushing them aside, I began my descent. A few lamps along the way flickered but what caused my uneasiness was the scent of blood growing stronger and stronger with each step. I tightened my grip on the iron pipe.

The sight that awaited me at the end of the staircase chilled the blood in my body.

Cages hung from the ceiling; wooden tables attached to large wheels and leather straps occupied every space along the walls. Hooks and an assortment of blades hung above the tables. But what astounded me the most was the blood. It was splatted across the floors and walls like someone had taken a bucket and thrown the contents everywhere.  I was just frozen. How could a human do all of this?

The Sheriff hadn't noticed me at all. He stood with his back turned, humming a tune. I could hear water splashing; washing his hands perhaps?

"You're sick," I growled out. "It's no wonder the vampires took a liking to you."

The pig didn't bother turning around when I spoke. The splashing continued for a few moments before it stopped. He turned around with a smile on his face. "Has Madam K asked for me?" he asked. "I have to pack up a few things. Then, we can go. Care to help?"

Anger flared inside me. How dare he assume I would ever help an inhumane bastard like himself? I took a step closer to him then another. One blow to the head with the iron rod would be enough. His skull would shatter and he would be as good as dead.

"Don't get any thoughts now," the Sheriff said. "Madam K won't be pleased if you kill me."

I felt a strange smile appear on my face. Killing the Sheriff wouldn't make me a traitor. It would be payback. He would burn like my parents and suffer like they had. I would make sure of that.

"How do you know she didn't send me here?" I couldn't help but ask. "You're scum and should die like one."

At that the Sheriff paled. He took a step back colliding with the make shift washing station. Calmly, I walked toward him. I wanted him to experience all the pain he had put me through; all that torture. He was going to pay for his crimes.

"It will be painful," I assured him. "You've me with more than enough tools to make sure of that."

To my amazement, the Sheriff laughed. "You're no different from me," he said. "All these years spouting nonsense; you're nothing more than a blood thirsty monster."

"Well this blood thirsty monster is going to kill you."

As I got nearer, I swung the iron pipe at this head with all my strength. This was the end. But before the weapon could connect, something clattered to the ground. I froze; my gaze darted to the ground. A tiny black ball rolled near my foot. Instinct made me jump to the side. At that moment, the ball exploded. A cloud of water flew in all directions. The force slammed me into the wall. I averted my face hearing the droplets hitting the ground and walls. When the smoke cleared, I noticed the two Holy Knights.

I hadn't heard the approach.

I silently cursed myself for losing myself in the moment. I couldn't die before the Sheriff. He had to die by my hands.

One of them was Michael but the other one, I didn't know him. He was a blond man armed with two daggers. They weren't drawn though but I was sure he was the one who threw the explosive. I remember my father telling me about the new inventions used in the war. They hadn't been perfected yet and there were more casualties on our side but it seemed like now, those instruments had been perfected.  

"Thank you God," the Sheriff cried out to the ceiling. To the Knights he said, "Help. That monster is trying to kill me!"

I growled at him. With and exaggerated cry, the Sheriff ran toward the Holy Knights. The bastard cowered behind his body guards. I stood up and gave myself some room. I wasn't dumb enough to think I could take on both Knights.

"Lucinda." I heard Michael whisper my name.

"So this is her," said the blond man. "You've got your question answered."

They drew their weapons. I looked down at my iron pipe. It wouldn't do me much good against a sword but it was my only hope. My father hadn't only taught me to use a sword. If I could just get to the Sheriff, I didn't care what happened to me.

A strange shudder passed through my body. I staggered but quickly regained my composure. Suddenly, a sharp pain drilled into my temple. This time I fell to one knee. She was calling to me; my maker. I could feel my vision blurring. No, I thought. Not again! No! I dropped the pipe and held my head.

"Lucinda," Michael called again.

My fangs grew out slicing into my bottom lip. With whatever control I had left, I glanced at Michael. He and the other Knight had approached; their weapons leveled.

Another shudder passed through me. "R-run," I forced out. But already my vision was fading until I saw darkness.

I was no longer in control.

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