"You really have a nice set up."

"Ehh its livable, something I can call my own."

"Most people would say thank you." I say look at him.

"And Im not most people." He says walking out of the room.

"So Ive seen almost every room but umm...where is your room? Do you sleep on the couch?"

"No, my room is upstairs. Right across from your room. Its the door you were staring at when you bumped into me because you werent watching what you were doing."

"I shouldve guess that. Its the only black door in the house." 

"Ive got to go and handle a few things, theres food and shit in the kitchen, do whatever just dont go in my room." That only makes me want to do it even more but I wont because this isnt my house to go snooping in.

"Where are you going?"

"If I wanted you to know Id of told you yea?" He says wiping the sweat thats forming on his forehead. He goes upstairs and I hear his door shut. I go into the bathroom down stairs and get my phone out. Ive got to get ahold of Timmy before he does. 


"Hey its Louis."

"Louis mate whats up?"

"I uh its Harry, He dosent want me to help you."

"Ah is that right? are you trying to back out on me already?"

"No thats why Im calling, I told him I wouldnt help you but I lied, I need quick cash and this is the fastest way."

"How do you think thatll go over with Harry? He dosent like when people over run him."

"I dont give a shit, He cant tell me what to do."

"Glad to hear bud."

"Only thing is, hes letting me stay at his place and I cant mess it up, at least until I get enough saved up to buy my own place...so could we some how keep it between us?"

"My lips are locked."

"Thanks Timmy." I hang up the phone and flush the toilet like I had really been using the bathroom. I walk out and sit on the couch. I turn the tv on and put my feet up resting my back on the couch. 


After I finish showing Louis around the house I feel the coke wearing off. My body is starts to shake and sweat starts seeping out of my skin. I need a quick fix. I tell him I have something to handle and when he tries asking me what Im doing it pisses me off. I tell him not to worry about it, If i wanted him to know Id tell him. I go up the stairs and into my room shutting the door, I go over to my desk and pull a small bag of the white powder out and line it up on the desk. I sniff it all up and rub the left over powder off with my finger rubbing it on the gums under my top lip.

thats better. I close my eyes letting my head hang down with my hands holding me up on my desk. Ive got to go talk to Timmy and tell him Louis isnt doing his shit for him, he has enough of us messed up fucks working for him already. I unlock my phone and dial Timmys number waiting for him to pick up.

Live|Laugh|No LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz