Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

Until We Meet Again

Early Monday morning, the Thanturnam Estate bustled with activity. They packed the trunks into the carriage. They had checked the Winthrop carriage for repairs, polished it to a sheen, and the well-groomed horses were made ready for the trip to Harrisburg.

The Thanturnam family and their guests enjoyed a breakfast buffet, with everyone eating at different times as they had their last conversations with one another. Charlotte and Ridge enjoyed getting to know one another over breakfast.

"My cousin is having her first season this year. I was wondering if I could ask you to dance with her that evening."

"Please let her know I am only interested in dancing. I have escaped one socialite engagement, and I have no plans to have a relationship until I'm ready."

"You haven't found the right woman yet."

"And when I do, she needs to be a Thanturnum woman. I won't settle for anything less."

"You are young, Ridge. I'm sure love will find you."

"Young? Wait a minute. Aren't we the same age?"

"Oh, I guess we are. I'm sorry. Your clean-shaven look makes you look younger than your brothers."

"I get told that a lot. Maybe I will let it grow. It could get scraggly like Rupert. That beard of his is a woman repellant."

Charlotte laughed at his sense of humor and knew she would miss visiting with these family members.

"Excuse me, Miss Charlotte, Oscar and Jenkins would like to speak to you and Reggie."

"Excuse me, Ridge."

Charlotte walked to the front door, and Oxford went to find Reggie.

"Good morning, Ma'am," said Oscar and Jenkins as they tipped their hats.

"Good morning, gentlemen."

"Ma'am, I was wondering if it was okay to travel back with you and your family to Harrisburg."

"Why, of course, Oscar," said Charlotte. "Milton would enjoy the company. What about you, Jenkins? Are you coming back to Harrisburg?"

"Well, ma'am, I need to talk to Reggie to see if he is still willing to offer me a job. I would like to stay if I knew I would be earning wages."

Reggie came downstairs dressed for working outside today. He joined them in the foyer.

"What can I do for you, gentleman?"

"Good morning, sir," said Oscar. "I wanted to let you know I will be going back to Harrisburg this morning."

Reggie extended his hand and shook the man's hand.

"Really appreciate all your help. I saw all those polished reins and harness in the stable."

"Well, I needed to stay busy, and I was glad to help, for all the good food and drink I enjoyed."

"You are welcome anytime."

"Sir, about the boy?" said Oscar.

"Are you going back to Harrisburg, Jenkins?" asked Reggie as he stared at the young man who looked a sight better than Reggie remembered.

"Sir, if that job offer is still available, I would like to stay and earn my wages."

Reggie looked at him and saw the new boots, the layers of shirts and the warm coat. He knew that if the boy went back to Harrisburg, he'd get into nothing but trouble. He was better off here on the land with fresh air and good people. Besides, they could always use more help on the estate. The boy had proved his worth.

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