Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Charlie Randolph

When Charlie arrived in the hotel lobby, she glanced around for Marge. She found the middle-aged women setting the tables for this evening's party.

"Excuse, Marge. Has my father and his staff returned to the hotel?"

"No, Ma'am."

Charlie looked around and then stepped closer.

"I have a favor to ask you. Do you have keys to the rooms?"

"Ay Ma'am," said Marge as she looked suspiciously at the young woman.

"Hope would you like to earn some extra money?"

Marge's eyes brighten with delight.

"What did you have in mind, Miss?"

"Meet me in my room and I will explain."

Charlie turned and rushed upstairs to her room. She removed a five-dollar gold piece from her coin purse. Marge came into the room and closed the door.

Charlie explained her plan, and Marge agreed. Both women stepped out into the hallway and looked up and down the corridor. Then Marge walked over to Mr. Albright's room and opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, Charlie rushed inside while Marge kept watch.

Charlie knew that cuff of material belonged to Tristan Albright, her father's closest aide. Charlie went to the armoire and looked through the hanging jackets and searched the drawers. She was convinced it was his jacket. Then she spied his trunk that sat open.

First, she removed the top and set it on the floor. She carefully lifted his clothes, looking for the green-velvet coat. When she reached the bottom of the clothes, she felt a burlap bag. She pulled out the burlap bag and opened the sack to reveal a green velvet jacket. Charlie quickly set the bag aside and straighten the clothes. She replaced the drawer and looked around the room.

"Miss. The men have returned, and they are downstairs in the lobby."

Charlie wound the bag tight and tucked it under her arm. She ran across the hall to her room, and Marge locked the door, following her into the room. Charlie handed her the gold coin and thanked her for her help.

"Marge, I hate to be the one to tell you. I rode with Reggie out to visit Mr. Polansky, and we found him murder in his cabin."

"Oh, land sakes," said Marge as she crossed herself.

Charlie took the coat out of the bag. There were blood splatters across the right side of the coat, and the left cuff was missing.

"Kaiser found the cuff, and I immediately recognized the material. That son-of-bitch. Pardon my French, but I'm going to see this man hang for this. I need to hide this coat until I can turn it over to the sheriff."

Marge helped her hide the coat at the bottom of her trunk, and then Charlie removed the key and locked her trunk.

"Will there be anymore, Ma'am?"

"No. You have been more than helpful. Please keep my secret for Ivan's sake."

"Oh, you can count on me, Ma'am. I loved that old man. He was so good to Clyde and me. It is an absolute shame what happened to him."

Then Marge left for the dining room to help with the evening meal. Charlie went to her armoire and took out her evening attire. She removed her riding clothes and change into fresh undergarments.

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