
Did I say that?

I sighed in relief when I realized that I didn't spill any tea.

"That was a very good speech Lauren, but we have to leave." I saw Ethan coming toward me in the video.

Oh no. He looked dead mad here.

Why didn't Ethan kill me yet?

If not yet, he would do it now.

I have to think about my last wishes. I have to even write my will to pass on.

But I've nothing to pass.

I groaned and rubbed my head when another pain shot in my head.

I clicked the comments of the video to see what everyone else was thinking of me.

'What did I just watch?' A person commented.

'Is she the one Ethan married?'

'Who is she?'

'She is not funny at all.'

'Ethan Kingston could do much better than her.'

'Stop hating on her. she's cute.'

'I agree her joke isn't funny. But she is at least pretty.'

'I already hate her.'

'Why did Ethan marry her, she isn't even pretty.'

'Is she drunk?'

'I love her'.

I blinked my eyes reading all the comments anxiously.

Not only that, I just found out that my followers have increased by couple hundred thousand and the numbers are still increasing.

I heard footsteps coming and I glanced at the watch to see it is eleven in the morning.

Didn't he leave for office yet?

I quickly got down from the bed and looked around clumsily to hide.

I didn't want to face him. at least not yet.

I always knew I was a bad drunk but never realised that I'm the worst.

I quickly sprinted towards the curtains hiding behind them and shut my eyes tightly.

Someone opened the door and I made no sound thinking he would just walk away leaving me alone.

But of course, he didn't.

He pushed the curtains aside and I instantly felt sunlight on my face.

I slowly opened one eye and quickly closed it when I saw him in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" he looked at me like I had grown horns.

"I -I was hiding from the sun." I instantly said what came first to my mind.

He didn't look convinced but didn't press it.

Hiding from the Sun? Really?

"I brought you some medicine for your headache." He said opening his hand revealing the medicine in his hand along with a glass of water.

He isn't angry at me?

Still, in a daze, I took the medicine from him and gulped it down with some water.

I looked up to see him staring at me intensely.

He took the glass from me and placed it on the bedside table.

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