Author's Note/Disclaimer

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All the events that occur in this book are not all mine. Some of these were inspired and tweaked from Tatiana Thumbtzen's book The Way He Made Me Feel. My book is heavily based on true events, with my own fictional touches sprinkled in. This book also contains real and fictional people. I do not claim the characters that are/were real people that walked the earth during this time.

I am also aware of the varying opinions on the main character, Tatiana Thumbtzen. Many speculate that the real events that happened many years ago point to her being an opportunist who deserved to be cut out of Michael's life after the tour. Many believe that Michael and Tatiana were meant to be and his management ruined that for her. That their fallout wasn't her fault at all. I am undecided on the matter, as I feel there is much evidence from both sides of the argument. But we will never know the truth, since the man who supposedly made the decision (we also do not know if it was his team that fired her or him) and lived the experience is no longer here to tell his side.

I chose Tatiana to be the character we live through in this book because I found her relationship—whether platonic or romantic—interesting. I am putting my own pick of personality in her while trying to maintain some of her own from observing what exposure we have of her. Please do not think I am glorifying her using Michael Jackson (if she did) or stating that she did nothing wrong and was the perfect woman for him. I am not. I am simply creating my own storyline—like an alternative universe—using her as an option for a lover Michael Jackson could have had. Nobody is perfect, everyone has their flaws, and that will be shown in this book. I just wanted to make clear my stance on the matter, so that I did not offend or anger anyone whether they like or dislike Tatiana Thumbtzen.

Lastly, these chapters depict strong language, violence, suggestive topics, and other sensitive topics. Any other needed disclaimers will be added as the story progresses. Reader's discretion is advised.

Thank you for choosing to check out my book, I hope you enjoy! Happy reading!

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