15 - reticence retreats

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The conference room; tables still slathered in food, was gradually abandoned. Cast, crew and visitors filed their way out the doors and back onto the set.

I attempted to linger behind and help Katherine clean up the trash and food uneaten; it was a time to be applicable and make connections with the older woman. But Joe called me outside.

Leave it to him to ruin my chance to gain the favor of Michael's sweet mother.

Though I wasn't truly peeved. It was time to film.

When I finally emerged outside, the humid air pressed in around me. It was now very dark, dim white lights from the street lamps giving the perfect lighting for the mood of the video. It had a prominent blue undertone, one of the main colors. Admiration once again found its way to the forefront of my emotions. The way Geoffrey Kirkland—the set designer—snuck in details like that was astounding. Even without being there, on video it was immersive and made you feel like you were there.

Taking two steps closer to the group of people huddled around Joe for orientation; I was cut short by Janet.

She hovered around my face, fussing with my hair to get it back in place. Slightly disheveled curls sprang up after my little dance workout moments before. Janet—ever observant—put them back in place and threw me a smile.

"You looked so good up there with those dancers. I didn't even know you could move like that!"

Her tone was acclamatory and inquiring at the same time. Looking for justification for my palpable talent.

I ducked my head bashfully. "I went to Juilliard's Dance School since I was thirteen. And I still practice."

"Well, look at you, miss multitalented. But hey, don't go messing up your hair too much when you're showing out." A smirk curled her lips.

"Yes, ma'am."

Bringing a hand up, I facetiously saluted. Provoking a hearty laugh from the hair stylist before she walked off.

The interaction pushed me further into the ardent state needed to film. Bringing me bouncing over to Vince.

Joe was really the person I was supposed to be going to. But for obvious reasons, I didn't. I still wanted the negative outcome between us to simmer down. For the tense aura to evaporate with healthy time away.

Mainly, I was too stubborn to be the first to initiate contact after the fight.

Let him come to me. Maybe an apology would too.

"You in the mindset of filming?"

Vince peered at me, his lips pressed into a thin line. A look akin to consolidation dancing in his pools of light brown eyes. He sure was getting ready.

I completed a jittery hop with a shake of my hands before they came to rest on my hips. "Sure am."

"Good. We're going to be moving through these scenes pretty quickly. What's left of today and tomorrow are the last times we have to get this right." He explained, crossing his arms over his chest and simultaneously watching Joe do the same. "We need everyone to be focused."

He then withdrew from my side, probably expecting me to follow as he positioned himself near Joe to catch his words. I remained where I was, watching from a distance.

The director had his voice lifted to reach everyone in the crowd. I only scooted closer to be in earshot, though not close enough to be singled out and addressed. He broke down the routine Michael and I would complete, beginning in the middle of the street between two cars.

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