2 - first auditions

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It was Monday, the morning of my big audition and I had woken up at 6:20 against my will and better judgment.

I had gotten a good eight hour sleep last night, so I didn't feel totally deprived. Yet, my audition was set for 8:45, and I felt compelled to be on time or even early.

A leaden bundle of nerves tightened my insides together. Similar to the feeling you get before riding a rollercoaster. It wasn't that I didn't feel confident in myself, but I didn't think out of two hundred girls, possibly more, would I get picked. And in spite of this realistic way of thinking, I still wanted to do good and impress my audience.

Julie kept quiet as sworn when I begged for more details, which was both admirable and irritating. I began to doubt my ability to do well if I didn't even know what I was doing, but it washed over. I trusted my agent; she knew my skills and wouldn't put in an audition for me with this big of an outcome if she didn't think I could rock it.

I picked out a nice outfit, tight fitted jeans with a yellow top under a black leather jacket. Black heels I recently bought partnered with the ensemble. I did my hair almost as soon as I woke up, giving it time to dry even despite me planning on walking to the set. A vital piece of information Julie had given me was the location, and because it wasn't too far from me, I decided to travel on foot. Getting more of a feel for Hollywood. Clinton hadn't be informed of my decision, but he didn't need to be bothered with it, so I left him to rest.

The time was now 8:17 and I was walking out the apartment building door and beginning my journey down the streets of Hollywood. It was trivially different from pounding the pavements of New York, not as many cars swarming the roads and less people on the sidewalks. A bit more peaceful, especially with the cool and calming breeze that tickled my cheeks.

My pace was reduced to a sedate stroll, matching the click of my heels on the concrete to the rise and fall of my chest as I breathed in the warm California air. Smells of all sorts, good and bad entered my nostrils, a bar and grill one of the most memorable. I made a note in my mind to stop by after my audition. My hair swept around my face as a strong gust of wind blew, a few strands sticking to the light coat of lipstick I applied that morning. I moved down the road past restaurants, shops and buildings, keeping a careful eye out for the building I would be going into.

A loud, sharp whistle abruptly cut through the tranquility of the morning, so sudden it made me stop and turn, wondering if it was a fox whistle or machinery my mind warped into a man-made sound.

"Hey, baby. Look at those lovely hips!" A scruffy looking man wearing a bright yellow construction uniform stood across the street, gesturing with a finger for me to cross and join him and two other guys working on a new building.

A second worker whistled lowly, turning with a drill propped under him to examine what had caught his buddy's attention.

I scoffed and swiveled to resume my tenacious amble. The men continued to try and obtain my attention across the street, one of them walking parallel to me for while. Trying to persuade me to give in and walk over.

Why do they think this works on women? I thought dryly, my irritation flaring at the nerve of the men. I walked quickly and with purpose, my chin held high and my hips swinging, tossing a glare at the man in the midst.

Eventually he grew tired of chasing me and turned back, grunting and yelling out something inaudible, a jab of some sort I guessed, but I paid no mind. I was nearly at my destination. I quickened my pace, unsure of how much time I had left.

Rounding a corner, I spotted the building I needed to be in and hurried up the steps. I swung open the door and stepped in. Taking slow steps further into the building, I approached a receptionist behind a desk and smiled as she looked up.

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