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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

He was not on Dellanae's platform.

Lillian scanned the vicinity, peering into the nearby pines, and finally located Aëghan. He was on a platform opposite to her, separated by a narrow and precarious rope bridge, speaking amiably with one of the human men who resided amongst the other fae.

She hesitated at the start of the bridge, her nerves starting so suddenly after being rattled by what Dellanae had told her, yet now the prospect of traversing the span of the rickety contraption that separated her from the Dravolese almost terrified her.

As if sensing her, Aëghan turned and the smile that had been gracing his wide lips diminished only slightly, his brows pulling tight.

Immediately, he abandoned his conversation with the young man and made for her, his steady gait making the bridge sway from side to side as he crossed it.

"If you believe for one moment that I shall endeavour to cross this contraption of death," Lillian told him upon his approach, "you will be sorely disappointed."

He paused, a look of amusement pausing over his face. But then he took another meaningful step forwards, bringing him to the edge of the bridge where she stood, and he held out his hand. "Do you not trust me to keep you safe?"

She threw him a droll look and folded her arms pointedly.

"Admittedly not the best thing to ask," Aëghan mused, almost sheepishly, and then he grinned at her in such a boyish manner she felt her resolve begin to disintegrate then and there. "Even if this 'death contraption' wasn't reinforced by multitudes of safety enchantments, even if you did somehow end up falling, I would most certainly catch you."

"You changing into a terrifying dragon is hardly consoling."

The male had the audacity to look offended at that. "I rather think he is quite handsome, thank you."

"If one finds giant lizards attractive, I suppose."

"Madam, you wound me."

The trajectory of their conversation had taken a turn towards the ridiculous and she felt her lips twitch at his hurtful pout. Sensing her softening, Aëghan beckoned her with his fingers, and said cajolingly, "I have something to show you, and it's this way. You have my word that I will keep you safe."

It was the quiet sincerity of his mesmerizing eyes that finally compelled her to extend her fingers, absently noting the mild tremble that stirred through them, and entwine with his. An imperceptible moment where she merely stared at the odd sight of her hand engulfed by his passed, the warmth of his flesh seeping into her, how his callouses grated against the softness of her skin. There was a scar on her knuckle where she had nicked herself with one of her daggers years ago, yet his swarthy skin was unmarred- the strong lines of his veins lying prominently under his skin.


She started, jerking her gaze back to his, the husky tenor of his voice sending a bolt of something licentious racing through her.

Even a dragon has a heart.

Oh, dear God, what was she thinking? She couldn't really-

With a firm mental shake, she nodded her head jerkily and took a tentative step towards him and onto the bridge, loathing the way the wooden planks sank and lurched with that small movement. "Alright," she said tightly, "I am... fine. Let's go." He turned then, making to release her fingers but she held firm, jerking him back. "Just don't let me go!" she almost yelped.

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