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Queen of the Ocean.
That's how she was known in the world of water and marine animal.

Aerwyna was what she was called,
As she floated on the water
Flashes of her real self striked in her mind.

Figuring out who she was what the hardest task for her.
When she learned to fight from her inner demons, she will know who she is.

Look in the water in your reflection but not with anger as it fades your real self.
She saw her reflection in the water saving the water world.

Stumbling back she saw a great water turnado coming towards her,
She hoisted her hands as she got out of her control,
Murmuring some words under her breath she silenced the water.

Fearing for what she is. She cried in confusion as flashbacks from 1000 years back started to hit her mind.

Filling dizzy she crouched down on the ground, head in her hands.
As she cried out loud for who she is.

A blue light in a human form started flaming infront of her eyes as she saw it with confusion on it.

She saw it turning it into a female figure and it held her hand in its blue and bright flame and whispered near her ear.

"Queen of the ocean is who you are,
Protector of the ocean is who you will be,
Warrior of the ocean is who were".

And just like dust it vanished in to the thin air.
Leaving a current in her body. Who was now determined to what she has to do in her life.

She gazed into her hands as the turned in to blue flames.

She stood this time with the sword in her hand to finish the enemy of her world.

All copy rights are reserved.

●Plagiarism is a crime.

●Please inform me if you see this book on the other platform.

● This is a total work fiction and Author's wild imagination. The characters are not real yet still exists in Author's fantasy world.

●No hate against any character. Every character is very dear to Author.

● Author needs a very deep support and motivation to update the chapters.

● Book will updated twice a week.

Ayo Lieblings!!
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I guess so fine.

Well here is the new story enjoy.

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