Chapter 1

62 14 13

Year 2034

She ran with large steps covering the distance. Avoiding breathing with her mouth she exhaled heavily from her nose. Her tendrils flying with air.

"Just what did you thought before stealing that freaking map" she murmured drifting into the ends of an abandoned streets. Securing a piece of paper in her tee.

"She is here" an yelling echoed in the atmosphere making her take a sharp turn leading towards an dark ally.

Seeing a window open she jumped inside and a messy bedroom. Like some did it, replaced everything in anger.

Crumbled bed sheet lying on the floor with a broken vase like its meant to be. She sighs and disappears inside the room more. Before she can discover a large warm a d rough hand covered her mouth and turned her around. Dark brown eyes piercing her soul.

First time ever in her life she felt what is fear. And she didn't liked it a bit. She was not someone who can be controlled by anyone. And here she felt her body going weak infront of a human.

"Who are you?" Three words making her insides churn as she looked in his eyes making her feel something she never felt.

"Does that concern you, who am I?" She questioned back challenging. She loves challenging.

A small smirk formed on his face as he replied.

"For the starters, this is my house and you sneaked in. Tell me what are you before I stab my lovely dagger in that curvy body of yours" he breathed on her face.

She didn't let him show her fear which covered her heart like a second layer. Closing her eyes she opened them again and swiftly turned them around. This time she was caging him. And for a moment it would be a lie if he wasn't surprised. Suppressing his amusement he glared at her realising she snatched the dagger in that little moment.

Poking the dagger lightly on his throat she whispered.

"Suffer me for the littlest of the time and soon I will be gone like dust"

His Adam's apple bobbed making her internally smirk.

She came back from her trance when she heard footstep fading away. Her hoody gown followed her as she started discovering the main door. As she reached near a grip on her wrist made her stop in her tracks. Turning around she glared fiercely at him directly looking in his eyeballs. Sweat formed on his head and his grip loosened. Taking the advantage she ram from there clutching her tee and gown tightly in her fist.

"What was that?" He questions himself and settle down on the ground.

"Who was she?" He questions himself looking at the door from which she ran away.

"Will I meet her again?" A question which he wanted to be answered positively.

Shaking his head he denied the new blooming feelings and closed the door.

Shoving the door open she closed it making bang sound resonate.

Her feet lead towards her study and she took out the blueprints. Looking at map rage build inside her making her crumple her own hoody gown.

She threw her hoody gown away and exhaled heavily. Rubbing her temples she side glanced at the papers infront of her eyes and yelled loudly

"I am so broke that I can't even afford a recording pen".

Throwing last glance at the papers she decided to brew some coffee for herself.

"How can people be so mean. They are doing it so wrong. Like, really they are gonna build house in seas and oceans. What in good world is happening here. God!" She exclaimed tiredly and drank her coffee.

Snapping her fingers she took some papers and pen and started copying rough sketch of blueprints. Her eyeballs moving from one point to another. Tucking her small hairs behind her hair she exhaled heavily continuing her work.

Soon she finished her work and gave last touches. Folding it neatly she kept it under her mattress and fell into deep thoughts.

"How can they kill innocent creatures, just for their ownself. Truly, humans are the most selfish creatures and can cross any limits for their desires"

"But what about those innocent people"she found herself in a puddle of question. Till now she don't know what to do she is just following what her heart is saying. The moment the news channel flashed the news about building houses inside the ocean. She felt herself shaking in rage. And that time her heart told her to steal the blueprints.

"Now what? What am I gonna do with this blueprints" she asked herself and soon her eyes was meet with the burning fire outside of her house.

The owner of the house was burning leaves. She found it right opportunity to burn it. Taking some useless papers with her she marched towards the fire and dropped those papers and blueprints in the fire. Her eyes reflected the burning flames and she felt satisfied with what she did.

Ayo Lieblings!!

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