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In a dark room, a girl and boy are looking at the bulletin board where there are pics of Avni, Manik, Nandini, Sneha, and Neil. The boy looks at the girl and says.

Boy: I think it's time we should implement our time. 

Girl: Yes, you are right. Implement it and don't forget to send the pic to them.

Boy: Yes.


In a Club

A guy is taking drugs and not in his sense. Another guy runs towards him almost pushing everyone on the dance floor. 

Guy1: What happened? Why are you running like that?

Guy2: Come to you sense Vijay. It's a jackpot.

Vijay(Drug taking guy): Raju, What is it?

Raju: I got a small gift for you.

Vijay: What is it? Say fast. I'm-

Raju: I got a picture of Manik's girlfriend.

Vijay: He ruined my life and having fun with his girlfriend. Then I have to ruin her life too. What do you think, Raju?

Raju: You're right.

Vijay: Show me her pic.

Raju shows him a picture of her.

Raju shows him a picture of her

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Vijay: Sexy

Raju: What do you want me to do, Vijay?

Vijay: I will also work on this plan.

Raju smiles evilly and Vijay reciprocates.

Vijay: Tell me her whole schedule.

Raju: Give me half an hour. I will tell you.


Next morning

Avni is getting ready for college. Her phone started ringing.

Avni: Hello

Boy: There is no time for hello and hi. Your parents didn't die because of an accident. The accident is preplanned. If you want to know more come to ABC park sharp at 6 pm. I will come in a white t-shirt.

Avni after hearing everything could only say what?

But he already cut the call.

Avni holds her locket in her hand and thinks

Avni (In mind): Ma, What's happening? I don't understand. If it's not an accident then Who did this to you and dad?  Why? 

Nandini comes out of the bedroom after getting ready and sees Avni lost in her thoughts. 

Nandini: Avni?

Avni didn't respond

Nandini: Avni, Are you okay?

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