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Manik: Do you want to be my friend? Friends don't say sorry or thanks.

Avni: you are already my friend. You are there when I need someone. So you're my friend.

Manik: Then don't say Thanks and Sorry again.

Avni smiles: okay sir.

Manik smiles but it didn't last long. His face turns red with anger. Avni looks where he is looking. She sees Neil standing there and looking at both of them. Avni didn't do anything. She looks down. Neil goes to the counter, orders ice cream, and sits beside Manik's table. Manik is glaring at him but Neil didn't even look at him. Manik looks at Avni who is looking down. Manik smiles and keeps his hand on her hand. She looks at him. They pass a small smile to each other. Neil intentionally sits there so he can hear what they are talking about.

Manik: I forgot to give you this. 

Avni: What?

Manik takes out a locket from his pocket. Avni looks at that and feels happy. Manik sees her smile and feels happy.

Avni: O My God, Where did you find that? I have been searching for it.

Manik: On stair.

Avni takes that from his hand and smiles.

Manik: This locket looks very important to you, you look so happy.

Avni: Yes, My mom gives this to me and leaves her last breath. (smiles sadly.)

Manik: How she-

Avni: It's an accident. I was with them in the car but I'm saved.

Manik: I'm sorry.

Avni: Why are you sorry? I'm Okay. This locket remains me of my mom. She gives this and said One day this will take you to the brighter side of the world. I don't know what she means but this is my lucky charm.

Avni and Manik smile.

Manik gets the call. He looks at that.

Manik: Avni, I have to go.

Avni: Okay, I will pay.

Manik: I already did it.

Avni: But-

Manik: You said we are friends right. Tomorrow you pay for me.

Avni smiles: Okay.

Manik leaves. Avni walks towards the counter.

Avni: Excuse me.

Waiter: Yes.

Avni shows the cardboard: I want to work.

Waiter: please wait, I will call my owner.

Avni nods and sits. The waiter calls Neil and gives his order. Neil comes towards Avni and sits in front of her. Avni flinches seeing him.

Neil: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you like that. I'm disturbed. 

Avni: It's Okay (Her voice is shivering like hell.)

Neil: I'm sorry Avni.

Avni: It's Okay, Neil.

Waiter: Excuse me, the Owner is calling you.

Avni bids bye to Neil and goes inside. The Owner asks her a few questions then he said to come and join. Avni smiles and goes home.


Next day:

Nandini and Avni are sitting in the canteen. Nandini is eating food. Avni is drinking coffee and thinking something. Nandini looks at her. TV in the canteen is started and everyone looking at that. 

News Reporter: A guy committed suicide in Swetha textiles. Everyone says that He is new to the company. So, they didn't know anything about him. He started working there Yesterday morning and he committed suicide in the evening. What must have happened? It's still a mystery.

suddenly channel changes to a business channel. 

News reporter: SS group of companies and Khanna Empire are leading the business world. Recently SS companies got profit around 100 crores. (I just write that, I don't know about business.) Let's see MD Vikram's words.

There plays a recorded tap of Vikram.

Vikram said thanks to everyone who worked in it. Avni and Nandini are listening to him very keenly. Nandini sees the 'O' expression of Avni and smiles.

 Nandini: What are you thinking?

Avni: If I get 100 crores means I will become super-rich. right?

Nandini smiles: Yes, you will.

Avni: But I just want 50,000. I don't want to become rich. I just want to be live in peace.

Nandini smiles: Why do you need 50,000?

Avni: Nandhu, please help me. I need some money.

Nandini: What happened? is everything Okay?

Avni says everything about Aman. Nandini thinks about Avni's words.

Nandini: I know someone. I will introduce you to him.

Avni smiles: Thank you, Nandu.

Nandini: Friends don't say Thank you.

Avni: Okay. I don't say.

They smile. Nandini sees a locket on her neck.

Nandini: Where did you find it? (Showing locket.)

Avni: I forgot to tell you. Yesterday, Manik found it. He give me, Yesterday night.

Nandini feels hurt after hearing that Manik and Avni met yesterday night. Nandini smiles and didn't talk much.



Avni gets a call when she is working in the Icecream parlor. 


Avni: Hello

Caller: Hello. Good Evening, We are calling from SS companies. There is a vacancy in the Data entry field. Someone recommended you for this. Are you free? Can we talk?

Avni thinks and remembers what Nandni.

Avni: Yes, sir. I'm free.

Caller: You have to work for 3 hours is that okay for you.

Avni: Yes sir but can I do work from home?

Caller: (takes some time before saying) Yes.

Avni: Can I work at any time?

Caller: Yes.

Avni: Thank you, sir.

Caller: Okay, then We will send you the offer letter through the mail. please read and accept it.

Avni: Sure, sir.

Caller: I will take my leave.

Avni is very busy with her life. She comes to college and leaves as early as possible. She will work in the cafe until 5 PM. Then she will go to the Ice Cream parlor and work until 11 PM. She will work for SS companies until 2 AM. She wakes up at 5 Am and goes to college. Aman tries to talk to her about this but she didn't listen to him. Manik and Nandini never leave her side even in her busy schedule. Nandini and Manik's bond become more comfortable. Manik thinks of her as a friend but Nandini started falling for him harder. Neil tries to talk with others. Bebe sees the change and feels happy. Neil still feels guilty. Neil and Nandini become good friends. They become Library buddies. They do study in Library and clarify each other doubts. Swetha leaves the town and Neyonika is handling the case. 

Precap: Avni, Neil, Nandini, and Manik are in one project group. Avni faints in Neil's arm. Nandini and Manik are locked in the storeroom.




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