Chapter 12- We made It

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Axton's eyes shone with admiration on the entry of Ying. He was this classic Chinese martial arts expert which was shown in movies. He walked down the ground looking confident and optimistic about what he was about to do, which was such an amazing sight. Every single wolf present on that ground turned their heads as he entered the podiums.

He stood up infront of the team along with his other two students who came with him. He greeted them with proper English which was another shock to all of them as they thought he would have heavy accent," It's nice to meet all of you. These two standing behind me are Xi Li and Shen. They are going to help me in your training."

Everyone looked at the two well built werewolves behind them and were jealous of how perfect their body was except Axton who was literally drooling at the sight of Ying.

Ying asked," So, shall we get started?"

Izze," Don't you want to know our names?"

Ying smirked," I don't know if you are worthy enough for me to know your names. Besides, I am very bad with them. So, we will skip the introduction part and start with our training."

Becky fell on the ground, panting heavily," exact.....reason.....why I didn' be a warrior!"

Betty also bent down and was gasping for breath. Travis already passed out due to exhaustion, Izze was dizzy (lol!), Avery was hallucinating while Xavier also fell down on the ground. The training almost took the life out of their body. And, it was the first day only.

Ying looked at Axton who was sweating bullets and was clearly tired but still stood up straight. Ying smiled and asked," What's your name?"

"It's Axton, sir."

"Axton. Good job holding up." He then looked behind Axton and asked," And what about you?"

"Clyde Thompson."

"Good job, Clyde. I have my eyes on both of you. And for the rest, get your asses up! This is just the starting. It's going to be much more tough and strict from tomorrow. So, let's stop here for today and see you all tomorrow."

After the trio left, Axton glared at Clyde. Clyde just smirked and went to help his mate to get up. Clearly, the rivalry was on between them, already.

Avery looked at him and gasped," Help me, will ya? And who the f**k is that grandma standing behind you?"

Axton looked behind him but no one was there. He just sighed and helped Avery walk upto the main house while rest of them followed behind. They had to report to Alpha about everything.

As soon as they entered the main house, they saw the commotion going on. Some were running here or there, some were frantically hurrying up to somewhere or some were just looking very tense.

Clyde stopped one of the omgeas' who was running past them and asked," What the hell is going on?"

The omega said, panicking," I don't know much but I heard luna Alex was was rushed to the hospital due to some emergency. As soon as Alpha Benjamin and Beta Elijah heard this they left hurriedly leaving everyone frantic."

Becky and Betty stared at the omega with wide eyes and left running for the hospital, forgetting about how tired they were minutes ago.

By the time they reached, everyone was panicking inside the hospital. Some nurses were running with bloody bandages and clothes and few doctors were rushing inside a ICU. Their nose was soon hit by the stench of the blood and they panicked even more.

Becky ran towards Benjamin and asked with trembling voice," Br-brother, what the hell is going on?!"

Benjamin rubbed his head in frustration and replied tiredly," I don't know. Alex, some omega found him passed out on the floor covered in blood."

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