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~F L U F F~
(In this sap is a bit more feminine so uh yea...LET ME LIVE OUT MY FANTASY OKAY??)
[No ones POV]
It was a stormy, cold night and dream was in bed reading a book with his boyfriend sapnap clinging to his side below him. The blond couldn't help but think how adorable his partner was in that moment as he looked down at him.

"What?" Sapnap asked as he looked up. "Nothing..you're just nice to look at, that's all"

"Are you saying I'm cute or something?" The raven asked teasingly with a bit of blush ghosting over his face. "Maybe.." Dream now had a slight smirk on his face.

Sapnap rolled his eyes and continued holding his partner close, his hand rested on dreams lower stomach.

"Yknow, maybe you are kinda cute"  The blond said as he set his book down. Sapnap blushed in response while dream looked down at him.

"You're not too bad yourself" Sapnap responded, sitting up. Dream wrapped him arm around the raven's shoulder and leaned in closer. "We should really be getting to bed now, right?~"

Dream turned back over to lay down and turned off the lamp on his bedside table. "Good night" he said, leaving sapnap a blushing mess. "I- wha- dream!" The ravenette exclaimed, he was bright red.

"What??" Dream asked with a laugh. "You can't just do that to me !-"

"What do you mean??"  The blond said, seemingly dumbfounded. "Whatever- fuck you-!" The hot headed boy turned around, yanking the cover onto him.

Dream chuckled and  slid his arm around sap's waist to then kiss his neck. "I'm sorry~" the blond said softly. "Yeah, yeah" Sapnap was trying to hide the fact that he was extremely flustered as his boyfriend spooned and cuddled him all night long.

299 words| a little something for you simps teehee 😍

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