Chapter 13

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=JR Kitchen=

Nibs glared up at Error ready to stage a rebellion. It had been three weeks since he was given to the glitchy bastard and in that time Error had not once eaten something that wasn't candy or a dessert. Sure, Error always made sure he had as much good healthy food as he wanted, even researching what he needed to eat and starting cooking lessons. It only made him angrier when a steaming bowl of stew bigger than he was was set before him and Error set down with a small bowl of chocolate pudding. "No you are eating more than that or I am not eating."

Error frowned at the horror type Bitty setting stubbornly not looking at his food. "Nibs you know I can't keep down anything without chocolate."

"Add fruit, you managed chocolate covered berries just fine yesterday." Nibs glares and points to a bowl of fresh raspberries on the counter.

Cyan laughs from the doorway, "he has got you there Error. At least fruit is good for you. We still haven't found a good source of protein that goes with chocolate other than milk."

Stavrós pushes Cyan through the door, "help or go stock your crush until he stabs you but don't just stand there blocking the door."

Nibs snickers, "still haven't asked him out? You really are going to die a virgin."

"No, that would be Grail seeing as he and his soulmate are clueless." Cyan smirks and glances at Stavrós.

Error shakes his head, "just challenge him to a spare. It is probably the fastest way to get a date if he is Dust's counterpart."

"How do you supposedly know who Grail's soulmate is? I thought soulmates knew before anyone else?" Stavrós frowns looking irritated.

Cyan shrugs, "I can just tell I bet Error can to you just have to feel the connections."

Error just nods getting up to mix some raspberry into his pudding. "Cyan is right, most glitches can tell, to some degree. You should get kidnapped so Grail can rescue you."

Nibs snorts and starts eating his stew. "Really you think, the soldier boy would make a good damsel in distress?"

Stavrós chokes on air and sputters blushing, "what? I am not. Why?"

Cyan snickers, "that might actually work. Even the Boss couldn't ignore that it might even trigger those over developed instincts of his."

Error watches Cyan tease Stavrós while eating his pudding. "We could do it, you know Nibs and I are wildcards as far as the rest of you go."

"No we can't, we don't know when your mate is going to show up and taking him home with you would be the opposite of getting them together." Nibs shakes his head between bites of a carrot slice bigger than his head.

"Well there is always, Meme Team tag. Just set off a stink bomb and drag Stavrós around the multiverse while Grail chases you. We can put Stavrós in a princess dress." Cyan snickers, "drag him past a few cows and he might even give a few convincing, damsel in distress screams."

Stavrós quickly tries to back out of the room but backs into a blue web that wraps around him. "Come on guys this isn't funny even if Grail does turn out to be my soulmate I don't want him because he has a hero complex. I have enough self respect now to want to be wanted for myself."

Listening in from the hallway Grail almost drops his coffee mug blushing bright gold at the image of Stavrós in a princess dress. But frowns when he insists he doesn't want to be rescued. The reason why makes his soul ache a little does that mean Stavrós didn't always have that self respect? Was there a time when he very much wanted to be rescued?

Nibs shrugs, "dress up might be fun and I know Error doesn't hate fashion and stuff so that probably means he would like it if he could. But the Oreo has a point, not being wanted for yourself isn't nice."

Cyan pouts, "well good luck getting the boss to stop working long enough to notice what or should I say who is right in front of him."

"I am not sure he even wants to find his soulmate. Efiáltis and Grail may not be immortal like Error apparently is but they aren't exactly mortal either. I know Efiáltis struggled with his feelings for Láthos knowing he is mortal. I am sure I wouldn't want to put anyone I love through that kind of pain." Stavrós crosses his arms in a defensive closed off stance but it looks more like he is hugging himself.

There is a soft fizz of static as Error opens a code panel. "Nibs your calcium intake is low. Do you want milk or cheese toast to dip in your stew? Stavrós you do know you can fix the mortal thing right?"

Grail steps into the doorway shocked by what Error said even as the rest turn to stare at the god who is busy getting out chocolate milk and cheese. "How does one sidestep mortality?"

Stavrós squeaks in surprise and flushes even as he tries to hide behind Cyan which is ridiculous given he was taller and wearing his big fluffy white coat.

Cyan chuckles and steps to the side being the evil shipping little gremlin he is. "Hi Boss coffee break?"

Nibs nods, "both places but you have to have milk too." He turns to watch the drama. This was like live action UnderNovella only with less killing and mustaches on everything.

"Side stepping is actually kind of accurate. There are a few locked vampire AU in this multiverse. Of course there is always a price for something like longevity. Personally I would weigh all options carefully, that one is just an example." Error doesn't look up from fixing cheese toast, and pouring chocolate milk for himself and Nibs.

Stavrós shakes his head, "that doesn't sound good at all, Efiáltis would probably kill us all before risking Láthos now that he is safe."

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