Chapter 7

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=Dream Realm=

Efiáltis pulls Grail back when he tries to rush the door.  "We talked about this, don't be rude, he is aware not someone who is partially shielding their dreamscape by accident."

Grail glares at the door as it gets more complicated even as they watch the pattern of webs now holding the phases of the moon and glittering stars made of gemstones.  "Why won't he let me in? Everyone wants positivity in their dreamscape."

Efiáltis snorts and knocks lightly, "you are still under the delusion that just because something is positive it is good.  News flash people can get pleasure and positive feelings from hurting others.  Just like feeling bad about hurting others is a negative feeling but a good thing.  Positivity is not enough with those who are aware of this. You have to follow rules of behavior for them to willingly interact with you."

The door opens revealing blue, lots and lots of blue. The only thing keeping it from being disorientingly monotone was a few different shades of blue.

"I thought you said he had a complex sophisticated dreamscape?"  Grail stalks through the door looking around and failing to hide how uneasy he is with not being in control.

"Look again brother."  Efiáltis follows him in reaching out to test the texture and resilience of the walls.  "It is a maze made of his magic woven into a nest!" He grins at Grail, "Láthos does something like this only much simpler sometimes.  We are lucky he chose to use different shades of blue or it would be even more disorienting."

"You sound disturbingly happy about this development." Grail focused on Efiáltis really unwilling to look around this nest as his brother called it.

"Well these nests are cool, and they foster calm and healing." Efiáltis shakes his head at Grail.  "You need to calm down."

"How, how are you so calm about this? It has been five months and we haven't even managed to heal more than surface scratches let alone wake him up."  Grail folds his arms and looks away only to be met with the uncomfortable endless blue of their surroundings.

"What good would stressing myself out do.  We both agree that he has a right to move in his own time and at his own pace.  Stressing and rushing will only slow things down.  Brother I know you are not used to dealing with those who have so much negativity.  I know you feel the need to help but we can only do that with a bit of trust and that takes time."  Efiáltis gently grips the edge of one of Grail's wings and leads him into the maze.

"That is just the thing it feels like he doesn't want our help." Grail throws his hands up in frustration.

"Brother he has been too long without help to trust that it will be there if he reaches out for it now.  Nightmare is probably the only one who was ever there for him."  Efiáltis stops and gently runs the phalanges of his free hand over one of the woven walls then turns and follows a spark of lavender-blue that runs along it dragging Grail with him.

"How is that, even possible? Monsters can't survive alone like that. We need community in ways humans don't.  Even humans need it to a lesser extent."  Grail finally takes Efiáltis's hand so he will stop pulling him by the wing.

Efiáltis was actually surprised at how large this maze was and how dense the layers of magic were.  Láthos could only manage cobwebs and one room was about as big as his nests got.  Granted this was the dreamscape limited more by imagination than fact but to hold this much magic Error must believe he could do this outside of the dreamscape.  Fox above he hoped Grail could behave himself or that this nest had already done its job because he didn't need his brother trying to forcefully help if Error was stressed out and panicky like Láthos was when he was nesting.

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