forty nine

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You. Me. A bottle of red. Some quality steaks. Clothing optional. Sounds good?

I can't help but grin as I read Harry's text, obviously excited at the prospect of having a nice dinner with him tonight. I already know that it's going to be a romantic night, especially if it's anything like last night. We could barely keep our hands off each other, and trying to stop once we got started was impossible.

Since Thanksgiving is this week, we decided to have one last study session before everyone went home for the weekend. Well, almost everyone. Cassidy is staying local since her parents are coming to do Thanksgiving with Noah's family, and I'm going to Maine with Harry so we could celebrate my birthday. Only, nobody knows that part.

After a long talk over dinner, Harry and I booked the rental last night. It's not like I wanted to go home for the holiday anyways, and nobody will miss me. I already told my parents that I'm staying on campus for the holiday because I have a really important paper I have to work on. They care more about being able to tell my cousins all about how studious I am that they didn't even sound remotely upset about me not joining the festivities. I'm sure I'll see a nice gift added to my bank account on my birthday though.

Tomorrow morning we're leaving for Maine which means I'm sleeping over at his place tonight. Honestly I'm glad he's letting me sleep over since Cassidy is not the happiest with me as of late. I don't blame her though, especially considering I said I was going home and then didn't go home. Telling her I got back together with the 'stormtrooper guy' didn't make things any better either, especially since she doesn't know his real identity.

She hasn't said much to me since our fight yesterday. We left things off with me going to class and telling her I wasn't going home. She's probably not gonna like that I'm not going home with her again tonight, but I'm also just not in the mood to fight with her more. I know I'm gonna have to come clean to her about Harry soon, but I need to talk to him about that before I go telling my best friend that I'm dating our professor.

You already know what I want. Get it for me and I'm in.

Putting my phone down for a second, I pretend that I've been paying attention to whatever they're on this whole time. Thank god I'm pretty well versed in my knowledge of law, or else I'd probably be risking getting kicked out of the law program because of how behind I would be. This is like the one time in my life that I'm glad my father is psychotic and demanded we start studying for the Bar exam when we could start reading. Not the LSAT, the Bar.

My eyes roll discreetly when Ben brings up Juliet. I had her class today and she was a complete space cadet the entire time. I know it's because Harry turned her down last night, and I would be upset if he turned me down too, but I'm still not too happy that she kissed him to begin with. That's what she gets for trying to make everyone on campus believe that she and Harry were a thing.

Harry explained to me how it all went down, and how he felt like a dick for making her so upset, but he assured me that he was glad he told her that he didn't feel the same and that he was seeing someone. It took everything in me not to play the 'well if it felt so good you should have done that ten days ago' card on him. It so would have been deserved, but I guess I can't fault him for caring about other people's feelings. I just hope that Juliet is never an issue for us again.

"Maude, we all know you're daydreaming or something. No need to pretend to be interested." Charlie calls me out, and I glare over at him. "Thinking about the big party we're throwing you next weekend?"

Ugh, the party. Will decided to tell everyone about how I agreed to a party for my birthday instead of letting the idea die that day. Now everyone's been making a big fuss over my twenty third birthday party. It's not even like it's a milestone birthday either, but I can't seem like an ungrateful bitch.

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