fifty two

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Thanksgiving. My second major holiday spent with Harry. For the most part, the morning was uneventful, full of sending quick texts to our friends and family wishing them a happy Thanksgiving before shutting our phones off completely.

We were able to spend the morning volunteering at a local church handing out food for families that needed it. We figured it would be a good way to give back to society since we're so fortunate. I've always wanted to donate my time like this on Thanksgiving, and I hope that we could make this a tradition.

For Harry, though, this is a tradition. He was telling me how every year since he usually just tags along with Mitch or Niall on their Thanksgiving plans, he spends the morning at food pantries or homeless shelters giving out meals. Every single day he inspires me more and more, and I just hope that one day I could even come close to how generous he is.

It was really nice getting to meet the people that live in this town, especially since it's become a refuge for us. Hearing Harry call me his girlfriend to random strangers was thrilling, and something I never thought I would hear. I've become so used to being his little secret, I nearly stopped him when he said we were together. But nobody here cared because nobody here knows who we are. They just said we seemed like a sweet couple and moved on with their day.

We were accepted. And that won't happen back at the university. Before we get back I'm gonna have to talk to him about telling Cassidy, but for now I'm just enjoying our trip.

After we spent the morning at that church, we ran into the local grocery store to see what we could whip together for tonight. I never imagined Harry and I doing simple, mundane things together, like holding hands in public or picking out food at a grocery store, but it's the best feeling in the world. He tried his hardest not to let go of my hand while we were out, relishing in the simple act of love.

His love language is definitely touching. I've noticed that from early on, since he always has to be holding me in some way. And when we're in bed he spends a lot of time cuddling. I love that about him, since it's very reassuring for me. I could spend forever in his arms if it were possible, so I'll take whatever hand-holding I can get.

I think my love language is quality time, but physical touch is a close second for me too. They kind of go hand in hand, especially when you consider that the only time we can indulge physical touch is when we're alone together. Honestly, I think Harry likes quality time too, which makes me feel like we belong together even more. We just really enjoy giving each other one on one attention and letting the other know that we care about what the other has to say. As long as we're together, no matter where we are, I'm more than happy.

While we were in the supermarket, Harry took a detour down the baking aisle, swearing up and down that he's gonna make me a special birthday cake. He got some funfetti boxed cake, a tub of frosting, some candles and those weird candy letter things, and I had to remind him to get eggs and oil so he could actually make the cake. I'm interested to see how this goes, but I guess if he's able to cook some delicious steaks, he'll be able to make a boxed cake.

Speaking of steaks, he got some for us so he could make them for us for my birthday. He definitely went a bit overboard with buying things, but thankfully I was able to talk him out of getting a turkey for tonight. It's not like we even had time to cook the turkey by tonight anyway. We stuck to a ham and some of our favorite sides that are easy to cook in our limited time.

Getting back home, I help Harry get the bags from the trunk, even as he playfully yells at me to let him bring the groceries in. Naturally I don't listen, and since I'm a Sterling and I'm chronically stubborn, I grab the heaviest bags possible to prove to him that I can handle carrying in groceries.

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