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For a second I forget where I am. Opening my eyes to an unfamiliar room, and an unfamiliar bed. It's not until his arms pull me in tighter, that I remember.


A soft smile tugs at the corners of my lips, and I cuddle further into him, letting him hold me. His breath is steady against the back of my neck, telling me he's still out. I let my eyes flutter closed again, soaking in the feeling of just sleeping next to him.

He was right. Last night was intimate, and waking up next to him is probably even more intense. Sleep is such a vulnerable state of being, especially when you're next to someone else for the first time. But being in his bed and in his arms, waking up to his presence, it's heavenly. I never want to sleep without him there, holding me close under the covers.

I never knew intimacy could be this deep. In past relationships, it only got as far as sex, but even then it wasn't intimate, it was erotic and intense. But now I can't imagine a relationship without this level of intimacy. Without gentle caresses and adoring gazes. I know sex with him will be good, but I think I'll always crave this intimacy more.

It's just so peaceful here. Like there's nothing in the world that could interrupt us. No classes, no friends, no work. It's just Harry and I in this little morning bubble, with no cares in the world.

I almost fall back asleep, feeling so comfortable in his arms and with the warm light from the window hitting us, but a sharp inhale comes from him. His arms squeeze me closer as he breathes out, burying his head further into the back of my neck. His hands spread out against my stomach, and he gently places a kiss to the back of my neck.

I keep my eyes closed, wanting to experience this for a little longer. He shifts gently in bed onto his elbow and his hand on my belly gently caresses it. He whispers a soft "fuck" but it doesn't sound bad. It sounds amazed.

His hand moves from my belly for a second, tucking my hair behind my ear and out of my face softly before it goes back to its place holding me. I know he's watching me, but I don't mind. It feels nice being admired for once.

After a few minutes, my need to see what he looks like in the morning takes over. With my eyes closed still, I turn in his arms toward his chest, cuddling in further as he pulls me in close. Lifting my chin with my head still against the pillow, I open my eyes to see my handsome man.

His eyes are still sleepy and puffy, squinting too due to a mixture of the sunlight hitting them for the first time, and his lack of glasses. His curls are a mess too, but they still look perfect and soft. When he sees I'm up, his expression doesn't change, if anything his eyes soften even more, finding new things to admire the same way I am.

"Good morning, beautiful." He mumbles, his voice raspy and deep with the start of the day. It sends butterflies through my body to be honest.

I smile softly, rubbing my leg against his slowly, "Good morning, handsome." I whisper, grinning when he hums and nods, nudging his nose against my cheek.

"You're in my bed." He points out, squeezing me tighter in his arms. I giggle and nod, sliding my hand up and down his arm that holds me to him.

"I am. I like your bed." He leans down, pecking my lips ever so carefully, as if putting the slightest bit of weight behind it would break me.

When he pulls away, his eyes take me in as his hand slides down to hold my ass. "Did you sleep well?"

With another deep breath and a slight stretch, I nod. "I did, it was perfect. How about you?"

He smiles, "Best night of sleep in my life." Leaning down, he kisses my lips. It's the most amazing kiss of my life, and I never want it to end. I'd lay in this bedroom paradise for the rest of my life if I could. We're safe here, and we don't get to feel safe in many places.

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