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The Hunt was gone. We had won for the last time. Why last? Because we'd be leaving Beacon Hills soon.

I was afraid, but deep down I knew I had to leave sooner or later. I'd been accepted into New York's acting academy.

I also later found out Stiles was the one who signed me up. I really loved him.

The bell rang and we looked at each other. It was the last bell of our last day at Beacon Hills High School.

"Have a great summer, everyone!" Mr. Croft spoke.

Everyone started to get up and leave.

"No." Stiles looked around.

"To the seniors, I'll see you at graduation."

"No, no, no, no. That's it? What?" Stiles asked.

"Last day ever." Scott smiled.

"Well, it just feels so anti-climatic." Stiles sighed.

"Well, there's the whole graduation thing." Lydia spoke.

"I've gotta go to summer school or I can't do the whole graduation thing." Malia added.

"I have to fix some stuff about extracurriculars." I added.

"Let's go." Scott called us.

"No. Come on, wait...Guys?"

Stiles and I were left alone.

"This can't be it." Stiles whispered and I grabbed his hand.

The classroom's lights were turned off and I looked up. I looked at Stiles.

"This is not the end, Stiles. Our life's just starting."

He looked at me and smiled.

I leaned towards him and kissed him.

"And I want you to be a part of it." He spoke.

"Always, I'll always be part of your life."


"I can't believe we're not in high school anymore." Scott spoke as we took our things out of our lockers. "Kind of feels like nothing's really changed."

Stiles and I looked at each other and smiled.

"Everything's changed." Stiles whispered and Scott looked at us with a smile.

"I always knew it."

I chuckled and shook my head.


"Okay. So, Liam, since you're the new Alpha..." Stiles spoke.

"I'm not an Alpha." Liam interrupted.

"Alpha in training." I answered.

"Well, I'd have to kill an Alpha."

"Liam. Since you're taking over, the most important thing you can remember is that Mason is always gonna be the one who's there to save your ass all the time." Stiles spoke.

"Well, not all the time." Scott spoke.

"Most of the time." I raised my eyebrows.

"Which is why..." Stiles reached into the trunk of the Jeep for something. "I think you're gonna need this." He handed Mason his bat.

"Your bat?" I asked and he nodded.

"Uh, I don't play baseball." Mason replied.

"Right, neither do I." Stiles spoke. "It's...it's not the point."


"Here you go."

"Thanks." Mason smiled.

"Love you guys." Stiles smiled.

Liam and Mason smiled and left.

"All right. I leave you with this." He handed Scott the duct tape. "You know, hurt her and I'll kill you."

"You sure you don't need it?" Scott asked.

"It's okay. Lia's driving me to D.C." He replied and I smiled.

"I want to help him move in." I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He put his arm around me and smiled.

"She'll catch up with me after the academy is over."Stiles mentioned.

"You got in?" Scott asked and I nodded. "That's so cool. I'm so proud of you." He hugged me tightly.

"What's so cool is you got into UC Davis." I spoke and he smiled.

"Stiles got into George Washington."

I looked at Stiles with a smile.

"Because of your dad. The, uh, big FBI pops made a call to the little pre-FBI program."

"Pre-FBI." I smiled proudly.

We looked at each other. We were proud of each other.

"Well, I guess we're not the same kids running around the woods looking for a body." Scott spoke and I sighed.

"No, we're not." Stiles added.

Stiles pulled out some keys.

"You know, you can keep the Jeep." Scott spoke.

"No, I...I want you to have it." Stiles handed him the keys.

"Oh...Stiles. This aren't the keys of the Jeep."

"Well, that's one to your house, another to your room. Another to Lia's house. The master key to the school, Animal Clinic, key to the Sheriff's station. Just figured out you should have all the copies I secretly made. So..." He explained.

Stiles sighed taking out another keys. The Jeep's keys.

"They still need us." He looked at the crowd of people leaving the school.

"They'll always need us." Scott replied.

"We're Beacon Hills' protectors." I added.

"And, you know, I...I need you guys. You know that." Stiles spoke.

"So do we." Scott replied.

"I'm gonna miss you." Stiles whispered.

I smiled with teary eyes.

"Come here." I spoke and the three of us hugged each other tightly.

"No, really, I need you though, uh...I lost my license in the Hunt, so one of you has to drive." Stiles spoke and Scott and I chuckled.

"Your dad is the Sheriff. I'm sure he'll let it slide. You drive."

We smiled and got in the Jeep. Stiles turned it on and the radio turned on too.

"Unit four, repeat. You're telling me there's a body in the woods?" We heard a voice.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." The other officer replied. "There's a body in the woods..."

"Hell no." I hit the button turning off the radio.

We looked at each other for a second and laughed.

Stiles started the car and drove down the road. I smiled looking out the window and then looked at Stiles and Scott.

My best friends.

In the end everything seemed to work out. I had my friends with me but I also had the ones I lost. I had the boy I always wanted. I had peace and tranquility.

It was like the storm stopped and there was a rainbow now. In the end we'd won.

But at what cost?


TEEN WOLF (S6A) (ENGLISH VERSION)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora