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"You saw a carousel?" Malia asked

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"You saw a carousel?" Malia asked.

"And people disappearing?" I asked and Lydia nodded.

"And a big sign that said "Canaan." Lydia added.

"Do you ever have nice dreams?" Malia asked.

"When are there ever nice dreams?" I answered. "Anyway, we have to go to Canaan."

"It would be helpful if we knew anything about the place. I keep calling the number for City Hall, and no one answers. The only map I can find it on is 30 years old." Malia spread a map on the table.

"So far, the only thing I know about Canaan is where it is."

"That's more than enough." I shrugged. "We need to go." I took the map from the table.


I felt someone touch my shoulder and shake me a little bit. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Scott. I looked around. The car had stopped.

"Are we here already?" I asked confused.

"You slept all the way here." Lydia replied.

"Yeah, and you kick." Scott added and I smiled innocently.

I got up and looked around. It looked like it had no color, no soul or life. Even the leaves on the trees looked grey. There were only abandoned houses and locals.

"Are you sure it's here?" I asked.

"According to the GPS, this is it." Malia answered.

We got out of the car and started walking through the empty streets. We could only hear the sound of the wind. I hugged myself feeling the cold breeze. This place was giving me the chills.

"This is it." Lydia spoke.

"Canaan's a ghost town." I sighed.


We kept walking hoping to find some sort of life in this place.

"I don't hear a single heartbeat." Scott spoke.

"I'm not catching any scents." Malia added.

"I don't think there's anything alive in here." I winced.

"I wonder why Stiles would send us here." Scott spoke.

We saw a street lamp flicker and then turn off completely.

We looked at each other and kept walking trying to ignore it.

There was a torn sign that said Canaan Day.

"This is the place I saw in the mirror." Lydia mentioned.

Scott and Malia began to examine a table of old things.

Out of nowhere there was a metallic sound. I turned around and saw a carousel.

I noticed one of the horses was covered in blood. Why didn't Scott or Malia caught a scent? Scott approached the carousel but it turned on causing him to jump startled.

TEEN WOLF (S6A) (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now