Start from the beginning

By now Jack was just about to thrust his finger into Blake's upper arm but McGin flinched away, waving off Jack's finger.

"I'll explain on the way." Jack raised both his eyebrows, "On the way to where exactly?"

Jack asked, but Blake simply slid his aviator shades down his nose and repeated what he had said seconds before. "I'll explain on the way." He said, turning towards his car, half turning his head to say "Bring all necessaries, you're gonna be away from home for a long, and I mean long time."

Jack raised his hand and stood on his toes as if he was a school boy, he opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but when he moved his mouth, nothing came out, and he looked like a fish, his mouth opening and closing repeatedly, (now just add a BLUB sound affect) Jack now turned and walked towards the door, he could hear a faint siren in the distance, it sounded as if it was getting closer and closer, and then he realised that their probably the police, and their coming for Blake, then he ran to his room, grabbing his satchel and loose backpack, stuffing his clothes in. He ran to the kitchen and grabbing the largest knife, his favourite knife, he continued to stuff things like his cat posters and- wait a second, you don't their coming for Jack, do you? No, no that's silly, never mind. Seriously, why would they come for Jack? He never did anything to wrong someone... did he? Meh, who cares, keep on packing Jack.

He ran to the car, slightly stumbling. He hitched the sawn-off in to the place a drink bottle would normally go on the backpack. He heard the rumbling of the engine and burst through the door, sprinting to the car. Suddenly, he stopped.

Did he forget something? He has that look on his face. Oh, wait, there he goes. What's he got now? Oh, he grabbed a picture of his Mum, that's cute.

He rushed back towards the car, leaping through the open door. He slammed the door shut behind him, and before he could even put his seatbelt on they were speeding forward. Jack stared out the window, shivering from the eery silence between Blake and himself. He didn't know why, but he trusted Blake right now, he didn't understand why, but he just... did.

Woah! Okay, that was close... wait, was that a gunshot?

"Jack! Grab the gun!" Jack sprung from where his head was sitting and swung his eyes around, desperately searching for the aforementioned weapon. "Jack!" Blake yelled once again "JACK! GRAB THE BLOODY GUN!" Jack felt like hitting him "What do you think I'm doing, riding a unicorn?!" Blake looked at him for a second with confusion painted all over his face. 

He was brought back to the present by a bullet that crashed through the back window.

"Blake! Where is it?!" Blake grabbed the gun from Jacks backpack and dropped it in front of Jack. "Now we are most definitely talking!" Jack said hurriedly, lifting it from the floor of the car.  Jack held it in his hands, wondering what to do.



"What are you doing?"

"I dunno, what are you doing?"

"I'm driving a car."



"That's my name."

"Can you even use a gun?"


"Than why aren't you using it."

"Well, I can't think of anything to do with it."

"What about shooting those guys?"

"Nah, what about-"



"Shoot them."

"Um, no thank you."

"Shoot them."

"I would really prefer-"

"Shoot. Them."

"Okay, if you insist." Jack rolled the window down and shimmied out, half his body hanging. He closed one eye shut and aimed for the hood of the pursuing vehicle. "HEY!" He yelled at them. They looked around to him. He held the shotgun firmly, careful aim, a badass smirk planted on his face, and he fired.

The hood flipped up and the engine begun to smoke as the men veered left and then right, right before veering off the road entirely. Jack simply laughed, trying to push the thought of them possibly dying from that out of his mind. "Well, there they go." Blake murmured as he switched the radio on to full blast. The song that followed was Mustang Sally.

Cue the road trip montage.

They drove for hours, stopping once for petrol. They were going somewhere and it was important, Jack knew that much. He was growing impatient with his friend's silence as they drove, the only sound was the radio replaying road tripping songs over and over again, thank-goodness they were good.

At the moment they were listening to something by Bad meets Evil, that much he could tell. The problem was he couldn't tell what song, maybe Fast Lane? I know that it's Fast Lane. I'm surprised he can't guess... really.

"Jack," Blake said quietly. Jack turned to him, "I understand that you would be a little confus-"

"A little?" Jack asked jokingly. Blake was glad yet a bit worried that his friend was feeling like he was, especially after most likely killing those guys. "Yeah, well, I think I should tell you the full story, since I just dragged you into this." Blake kept his eyes on the road.

"Damn right you do." Jack smirked.

Blake explained the whole story to him, the raid, the cops, and what they know. The McGins had been fighting for 3 months and had discovered nothing more than 

1.)The cops hate them.

2.)The cops are corrupt.

3.)The cops hate them...

A lot.

"-So now we're in hiding, in a little bar about an hour or 2 that way." Blake pointed ahead of him. "It un-bloody-luckily doesn't have any alcohol in there, because it's abandoned.

"But we still have the Shamrock back in Echuca, which is great. We even have a second base there." Jack tilted his head in an inquisitive sense. "So Cameron is on your side?"

Blake smirked. "Yes, she is on our side, she's like a bit of a secret agent for us."

"Nice." Jack muttered. "I know, we're gonna survive. We've got Cameron on our side."

They we're quiet for a second, considering what to say to each other. "So, hows Katey?"

Jack asked, tapping the dashboard to the beat of the tune. "She's safe. She's all the way in Melbourne, so she's pretty safe." Jack gave a subtle sigh of relief.

"That's good..."

The Banshees Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now