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Keletso "manipulates" me into staying with him, arguing that he wants to be there if something "bad" happens. I only agree because I did give him a scare. 

The days passed by like nothing and each day I don't hear from Sandile, I slowly become devastated. Today is the last day of June and I don't know what to expect. He probably decided to move on and quite frankly I've been thinking of doing the same. I'm not planning on shacking up with Keletso or anything.

If he does come back, I'll have a lot of explaining to do but I'd rather just let lying dogs lie.

"hello sunshine" keletso beams at me, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I need to go back to my place." I tell him.

"no" he refuses firmly.

"I'm sure it's a mess. I have to go back"

"no it's not"

"how do you know? what did you do?" I eye him suspiciously.

"I just do. now I'm not letting you out of my sight until you're as right as rain" he offers me the breakfast in his hands and I swat it away. he doesn't seem offended though.

"I'm okay" I tell him. " and besides i have to get back to work"

"you might relapse. I don't trust him" 

The truth finally comes out. I tense up as he mentions him and he notices.

"you see, you're wincing. It's the pain(he whispers). I didn't even mention his name" he annoys me. honestly.

"you can't keep me a prisoner here because of your insecurities. I'm fine. and I'm going to work. and that's final" I insist sternly.

He insists on taking me to work and I don't argue. I call my dad in his car. I've been keeping contact since I was discharged. I always remember to be careful enough not to mention my stay at the hospital. I don't want him to worry and I definitely don't want him to be disappointed. 

After dropping me off, he doesn't leave and that makes me wonder if he's going to wait for me till I'm done working.

I leave my suspicions as soon as I enter through the doors of the bar. It feels like I haven't been here in forever. The place is too quiet for a Friday. I guess that's because it's still early but even so, the staff is also nowhere to be found.

Bra white emerges from under the bar area. He scares me a bit, but I notice that he seems a bit more nervous than me.

"The nerve!" he bursts out in anger and i step back a bit.

"s...sir?" I stutter. I'm a bit confused by his rage.

"you go MIA.

You don't show up.

You don't come to work.

The nerve." he points out with his fingers. I'm sure he isn't even aware of his redundancy. I stifle a laugh. I can't afford to piss him off if I'm to beg for my job.

"you're fired" he says without even giving me a chance to explain.

my feet instantly become cement. I'm frozen. I don't know whether to leave or to beg. I slowly walk out. I'm not even aware of all the people crawling out of their hiding places.

"SURPRISE!!" They all shout out in bursts of excitement. I'm too numb to react. What's the reason to celebrate anyway?

"happy birthday" Keletso beams at me. 

Oh, it's my birthday. I forgot my own birthday. Who even does that? I don't even remember telling him about my birthday. How does he even know? I'm too numb to ask him that either.

"Hey girl!! cheer up, you're the birthday girl" Sphe jumps in front of me and Keletso. 

I turn away from both of them and I run to the bathrooms.

Nolitha follows me and she's accompanied by Sphe.

"what's wrong?" they both ask me simutaneously.

"he always calls. he always calls on my birthday" I tell them.

they quickly catch on.

"okay."  Nolitha says. "I know you love him but is he here? no. so you better get out there and have one hell of a party. the people who are here made this all possible and I'll be dammed if you ruin it! she's out of breath after speaking. I'm really not sure what to say or what to do.

"He booked out the whole place" Sphe informs me in a low whisper and the information shocks me.

I guess it would be wrong to let everyone's hard labour go to waste so I wipe my tears and I prepare myself for the get down of get downs.

After a few shots of vodka, all of my problems are miles and miles away and I wouldn't have it any other way.


hey everyone, we reached 3K and to celebrate I've decided to serve you with two chapters and hopefully I'll be doing that till the end.

If there are any medical experts reading the story, please forgive my medical research. I'm only limited to google and I have to squeeze everything into a time frame.

please continue to vote and comment. thank you in advance and happy reading.

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