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I try counting sheep but it doesn't seem to work. I am sitting on the floor in my room, in my house and I'm pretty damn sure that the unwanted, idiotic, guest is sleeping like a log.

My subconscious mocks me. I roll my eyes trying not to think too much about his scent.

I feel my eyes getting a bit heavy, so I decide to lie on the floor. Maybe I can get some sleep before the alarm...


Just my luck!!

I can't believe I have to tiptoe in my own house. Why didn't I just leave him outside?

I have to build walls around my mind before going to face him. I must be prepared for his mind games.

Unfortunately and fortunately he isn't on the couch nor the kitchen.

He must have left, but how. He doesn't have a key. He must've broken the door.

I walk towards the door to check but it's still locked.

"Hey", his voice startles me.

"Oh shit", I curse out under my breath.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you", he's way too polite. I don't trust him at all.

Of course you didn't.

I roll my eyes before turning towards him. What an idiot.

What a hot, sexy idiot.
My subconscious mocks me again but I see it all and I can't resist.

He is wrapped only in a towel. I can't keep my eyes off the tattoo on his chest. The ink makes my heart skip a beat. His dark chocolate skin just takes my breath away.

"A toothbrush...", I breathe out slowly.

"Yeah, a spare toothbrush? Do you have one?", He asks me.

The jingling sound from the door snaps me out of my trance and the only thing on my mind is Sandile.

I move my eyes from Keletso towards the door and I'm holding my breath.

"Hey girl!!", Thank God it's Sphe. What a relief.

She stops dead in her tracks. She assess the scene infront of her. Slowly and suspiciously, her eyes move from me to Keletso then to the trousers on the couch.

Shit!! The trousers on the couch!!

"No,no,no,no,no", I shake my head vigorously.
"I didn't say anything", she shrugs.
"You were thinking something", I tell her.
"It's not me, it's the..."

"It's nothing.", He cuts in.
"Your friend here has been a very, very good girl", his eyes are focused on mine but it's the way he speaks that bothers me. It's like there's a deep underlying message behind these simple words.

I just stare at him. I'm just afraid to say anything. I'll probably say something that'll incriminate me forever. I can't embrass myself like that infront of Sphe.

"The toothbrush", he says

"Top shelf in the bathroom", I inform him.

He thanks me and he leaves us. There's an uncomfortable silence between me and Sphe and it lasts up until Keletso leaves the flat.

"Tell me everything!!", She demands.

"There's nothing to tell", I say.
"You're lying to me", she treatenes me with her eyes.

"I promise nothing happened", I raise my arms.
"Your lips may lie but your eyes are saying something different",

"I didn't sleep because... I was thinking about him"

She gasps.

"Not like that", I reassure her.
"You're such a bore", she sulks.

"I have a boyfriend", I remind her.
"Your boyfriend is MIA okay?. No offense to him but you had a hot guy in your room who clearly wants you, and if I were you I would have smothered myself with that dark chocolate", she says.

"Euwww...TMI. and he wasn't in my room", I make a disgusted face.

"That's not the point", she rolls her eyes.

"I'm still not cheating on my boyfriend", I speak affirmatively.
"You don't have to cheat. It will be like spending time with someone who gives you all the attention you could ever want until lover boy decides to appreciate you", she tries to convince me.

I take a deep breath.

"Okay fine", she says clearly annoyed. "Tell me you don't find him attractive".

"I don't", I don't look at her.
"Liar, liar", she mocks me.

"A song then", she suggests then smiles connivingly.

I look at her suspiciously.

"An artist then"
"Zayn Malik", I say without thinking.

"Dusk till dawn? That's boring", she thinks to herself.

"No", I shake my head.

She drops her jaw.

I nod before she can finish.

"Welcome to the dark side!!( She laughs) you are gone girl!! Gone, gone gone", she's screaming and jumping.

"Shhh", I scold her.

"You're a baaad girl", she ignores me.

I can't believe it either. I don't understand what's happening to me. I want him so bad but I know I can't have him. He's not the type of guy who falls in love. I bet he'll forget my name as soon as he gets what he really wants.

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