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"You honestly shouldn't read it," I sigh, scrambling through the pages of my diary—a diary which is so essential yet so stupid.

"I want to though, please, Skylar." He says, looking at me. Trust me, Aaron, there's no other person in the world to whom I want to show my diary but you. I want you to read every page of it but at the same time, I just want to keep it to myself.

"You can't, it's so stupid and it's full of stupid stuff." Even I am embarrassed while reading this again. I can't even imagine what he will think about it.

"It's okay, I can read stupid stuff." He assures, running a hand through his hair. "Have you written some other stuff in it?" He smirks, I know what that smirk means. God! Aaron, you're so stupid.

"Shut up!" I laugh, as I punch him lightly in the back and he laughs with me. I enjoy it, I enjoy laughing with him and I will always do. Sometimes I wonder if he enjoys laughing with me the same way I do.

"Just give it to me already, Sky."

"Ugh! Fine," I let out after a few minutes of thought processing. "but I will only let you read the first page," I say, turning my head sideways. I don't want him to notice how embarrassed I am right now or more like nervous. He is going to read it, everything I ever wrote about him, how I felt and so on.

I am not bothered about the fact that Aaron is going to read it. The only thing bothering me is how will he react after it. Will he simply take it as a joke and laugh it off? Or will he consider everything written in it seriously?

My bets are on the fact that he will take it as a joke. Honestly, it was by far fine with me because as long as we get to joke about it together, I am all in.

"Sky?" Aaron calls, shit I zoned out. "The diary?" He points toward the diary still firm in my hand. I hand it to him and lie down on the green grass. I know Aaron won't go home without reading it so I should just calm myself and certainly my heart which is pounding so fast as if it is ready to jump out of my body.

I move my gaze to the surroundings around and I can see the broad span of Tuscany blue sky above me and hear the squadron of flies buzzing close. The saccharine-sweet smell of the grass is present everywhere, providing me with the contentment I needed. Oh, it was all so beautiful. The cool air was blowing through his hair as he flipped through the pages of that diary.

He is flipping through every page but isn't reading them. I smile as I remember what I had written on the first page and the page after that and after that and so on. Of course, I remember all those things written by me even now. Maybe Aaron doesn't remember anything but something tells me he remembers everything. He just never tells about it.

But it doesn't matter anymore, even if he doesn't remember anything now. Those pages of that diary will refresh every memory in his head in a way that it will feel as if it had just happened yesterday.

Or I am simply just exaggerating too much...

It's just a diary anyways.

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