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"Aha!" Ms. J exclaimed. "Found it!"

"Where is it?" Cilia asked.

"It's at Bridger's ex's old house!"

Ms. J and Cilia jumped up and ran over to the car. Cilia put the destination into google maps and SIRI's voice guided them to the house. There was a sign that said the house was for sale. Ms. J led Cilia into the house and they began looking through the house. There was a yell of excitement as Cilia found a secret compartment. She reached her hand inside and pulled out a little black box. She opened the box and a small vial with red liquid sat inside it.

"The serum..." Ms. J said.

"We have to destroy this." Cilia said. "As soon as possible."

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When they got back to the mansion they instantly ran inside.

"How should we do this?" Ms. J asked. "Should we smash it or...?"

"Let's smash it." Cilia said. "That's one way to destroy it."


Cilia raised the glass vial above her head. Ms. J stepped back. Cilia threw the vial into the ground. The glass shattered everywhere. The red liquid sat in a puddle on the floor.

"What now?" Cilia asked.

"We have to clean up the liquid." Ms. J said. "What if it has some chemical reaction. that could end the world."

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The red liquid was gone and so was the glass. Cilia ended up with some scratches on her hands from finding glass everywhere.

"What now?" Ms. J asked. "We found the serum."

"The other thing was..." Cilia thought. "Government control?"

"Yeah." Ms. J confirmed. "Government control."

"But Bridger and his assistants can't do it." Cilia said. "They're in the cell!"

"But what if they have someone else doing it." Ms. J said.

"But they don't have the serum." Cilia reminded her.


None of them said anything.

"We need to ask them more questions!" Cilia said.

"They never answer them." Mrs. J said.

"But maybe we can make them." Cilia said. "Bridger first."

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Isaac Bridger stood in a secure room looking between Ms. J and Cilia.

"I won't answer any of your questions." He said. "I thought you figured that out already."

"I have one question." Cilia said. "It's very simple, so you won't have any trouble answering it. Do you care about your children?"


"Do you care about your children?" Cilia repeated. "You probably don't 'cause you left them."

Bridger didn't answer.

"We'll give you your time." Cilia said. Bridger was taken back to his cell.

"What was that about?" Ms. J asked. "You just asked him if he cares about his kids!"

"We can use them as leverage." Cilia said. "We can use them to make Bridger answer his questions."

"It's going to be hard if one of them's dead!" Ms. J yelled.


"Haven't you caught on yet?"

Cilia shook her head.


"Iris is Bridger's first child."

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"If you've finished your question, good." Cilia said. "We have something to tell you."

"If you care anything about your children, you would care about this." Ms. J said.

"You're first child; Iris." Cilia began.

"Is dead." Ms. J said. "And it's all your fault."

"We'll let you think about that for a bit then we'll come back." Cilia said. "Next time, answer our questions." 

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