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"I-I don't know..." Addison said. Iris' mouth was hanging open slightly and Ms. J's eyes were wide. "Maybe, whatever power I have, kicked in."

"How did you feel?" Cilia asked. "When the robots were shooting at you."

"I felt..." Addison paused to think of the word. "Scared."

"And he was in danger." Ms. J said. "If you get hit by too many rubber bullets in one area you could break a bone."

"That would have been helpful to know before your robots started shooting at me." Addison said.

"Fear and danger do help you with your power!" Cilia exclaimed.

"Please don't put me in danger again." Addison. "And I don't want to see any horror movies."

"We won't." Ms. J said.

"It's getting late." Iris noted. "We should go to bed." Addison nodded.


"Okay." Ms. J said. "We'll continue tomorrow. And Addison, don't think about trying to run off again." Addison nodded and followed Iris up to their two rooms. Iris closed her door and got changed. Did Addison really have powers? Iris wasn't jealous or anything (okay, maybe a little bit) but she was more interested in what Addison's power was. Metal control was maybe it. What he did to the robots was crazy! Iris turned off her bedside lamp but didn't close her eyes. How did they know Addison was the one who had powers? Maybe they were just guessing? Someone else could have destroyed those robots. But the frozen boy in both of the drawings did kinda look like Addison. Iris remembered when Addison had fallen asleep in the file room and had stopped breathing. She had freaked out for a second but thankfully Addison had woken up. With thoughts like this, Iris closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Iris was in the file room with a file in her hands. The file had only one page in it and on that single page, there was only one word. Special. Iris looked up through the aisles and aisles of files to see Addison slumped against the wall reading a file.

"Have you found anything?" Iris asked. Addison shook his head, not tearing his eyes from the file.

"Have you?" He asked. Iris shook her head.

"No." She said. "I just found this really weird file with only one page in it. The page said 'special' and that was it." Addison looked up.


"Yeah." Iris nodded. "I'll show you." She got up and walked over to where Addison was sitting. She squatted down and showed Addison the file.

"Huh." Addison said. "Strange."

"Yeah." Iris said. "Strange." She looked at Addison who's eyes were fixed on the word 'special'. "What do you think it's about?" Iris asked. Addison shrugged.

"I don't know." He said. Iris stood up and her hand slightly brushed Addison's. Addison's face went pale, not scared pale, bloodless pale. The pale he had been when he was sleeping the other day.

"Addison?" Iris asked, panicking. Addison's hands let the file he had been holding fall to his lap as they went limp and pale. Then Addison stopped breathing. Iris screamed. Cilia and Ms. J ran into the room.

"What's going on?" Ms. J demanded. All Iris could do was point at Addison as tears seeped down her face. Iris gasped for breath as Ms. J and Cilia bent down to examine Addison. Cilia checked his pulse. Then she said what Iris had been dreading.

"I don't feel a pulse." Cilia said. She looked up at Ms. J and they both looked at Iris. "What did you do?!" Cilia demanded.

Iris awoke just as Cilia began banging the pots and pans outside her and Addison's rooms.

"It was just a dream, it was just a dream." Iris told herself, rocking back and forth. The banging continued. What did you do?! Iris could imagine Addison's ghostly corpse  lying in his bed, eyes glassy and staring, reflecting the last thing he saw. Iris. Iris shakely got out of bed and walked to the door. Addison wasn't out of his room yet. Iris panicked. The banging stopped.

"Are you okay Iris?" Cilia asked. Iris nodded, trying to calm herself. Cilia followed her gaze to the door of Addison's room. He still hadn't come out yet. Addison's face went pale, not scared pale, bloodless pale. The pale he had been when he was sleeping the other day. "Addison?" Cilia called. "It's time to wake up." Nothing. Silence. "You have one more chance to get up before we come in there." Still silent. Nothing. The panic came back to Iris as Cilia walked towards the door. Her hand was on the door knob. Sweat began to pour from Iris' forehead. The door knob was turning. The panic was increasing. The door opened. Iris could barely breathe. "Addison?" Cilia said. No response. "Addison." Cilia said more sharply. Still no response. Cilia opened the door farther and Iris saw the figure on the bed. She screamed.

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The red liquid had soaked through the sheets and onto the mattress. Addison's pajama shirt was stained with a dark color. His eyes stared blankly, reflecting the ceiling and the two people standing over him. Iris could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. Ms. J must have heard her scream.

"What's going on?" Ms. J asked, barging through the door. She gasped and stopped short once she got into view of the bed and what was on it. "What happened to him? Who did this?"

"We don't know." Cilia said. "We just have to stop the bleeding." Tears came in floods down Iris' eyes. Cilia and Ms. J carried the body of Addison out of the room. Whoever had done this, this monster, had stabbed Addison. Right in the heart. 

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