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Iris didn't expect the world to start to end on a thursday. She didn't expect to get picked up in a blue honda with a senior. But it happened. The woman in the driver's seat was very persuasive. Iris slid into the back seat next to the senior.

"I have one question." Iris said.

"What is it?" The woman asked.

"Why us?" Iris asked. "You could have chosen anyone else. We don't know anything about each other."

"That's the point." The woman said. "And if you really want to, you can get to know each other." The rest of the drive was driven in silence.

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The blue honda stopped outside of a massive mansion with a large green lawn, a pond, and a massive, over ten feet, brick wall. There is no way Iris or the senior kid could get over that, not even with each other's help and or a ladder. Iris was in awe of the big house. Even when her parents were still married, her rich abusive father didn't buy this. Yes, he had a lot of money (enough to buy this) he always spent it on four things. Keeping Iris' mom, food, alcohol, and his precious race car. The woman beconned the two high schoolers into the mansion.

"I told you that you were here to save the world." The woman said, leading them up a long set of stairs. "And that is exactly what you will start doing. Tomorrow." She stopped in front of two rooms. "These are going to be your rooms until this crisis is averted. Make yourself at home." She left. The senior walked into his room without saying anything to Iris.

"I will never get used to this place." Iris said, walking into her room. "It reminds me of dad."

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The next morning when the woman brought them down to breakfast, she finally introduced her name. Well, some of it.

"My name is Ms. J." She said. "That is what you will call me for the rest of your stay here, and if we ever meet again." She motioned for the teenagers to sit down. They did so. "It doesn't seem like you've talked to each other." Ms. J noted. "Do you at least know each other's names?" The two shook their heads. "Well, tell each other! I still might need a refresher on your names."

"I'm Iris." Iris said.

"I'm Addison." The senior said.

"Good." Ms. J said. "First step to saving the world, done. Now eat your breakfast." The two, who were tired, and hungry, didn't hesitate a second. This food was heavenly. Iris had never had access to this much food in her life. Her dad had always spent money on a small amount of food for each person. He said he 'needed to save money for important things' even though he had tons of it and most of what he spent it on was his car, motorcycle, and buckets of alcohol. And his money keeped coming. He was the CEO of this huge tech and car company. They were always involved with everything. Maybe they were involved with the end of the world. However it was going to end. Iris was jerked out of her thoughts when Ms. J spoke. "Ionic is behind the end of the world." Iris almost spit out her orange juice.

"Ionic is behind this?" Iris said. She expected this but her dad's company wouldn't end the world.

"And Bridger Industries." Ms. J said. This time Iris was surprised. She expected Ionic to be behind this, but not Bridger Industries. Iris' dad also was the CEO of Bridger Industries. He in fact, was Bridger himself. Addison had perked up at the sound of both company's names.

"Aren't they both run by Isaac Bridger?" He asked. Ms. J nodded.

"We have come to believe that he is behind the end of the world." She said.

"We?" Iris asked. "Who's we?"

"Me and my associate." Ms. J said.

"And who's that?" Iris asked.

"Me." Iris looked over and saw a teenager who looked like either a freshman or a sophomore.

"But– you're only a teenager." Iris said.

"I'm 25." The female said. "I tried to stop the end of the world before it could take effect. As you can see, it didn't work."

"Cilia was younger than she is now." Ms. J said. "And definitely not as thoughtful. Becoming a teenager again has certainly knocked some sense into her."

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Iris and Addison started preparing for the end of the world at precisely 2 o'clock. It started with learning about Ionic and Bridger Industries. Ms. J and Cilia were surprised that Iris knew so much about both companies. I guess they don't know that I'm Isaac Bridger's first child. Iris thought. They mentioned Iris' mom but only referred to her as Bridger's ex or Melissa Jordan. After a whole lot of note taking and sitting Ms. J and Cilia led the two teenagers to what Iris called 'a very high tech gym'. It had all kinds of equipment that Iris noted were all based around fighting and getting stronger. Mostly fighting. There was an archery and gun range in a room off the gym. For some reason there was spear throwing. Also knife throwing.

"This is where you will spend most of your time." Cilia said. "Welcome to the gym. Or as we call it; F.I.T.T." Ms. J saw the confused looks on both teenager's faces.

"It stands for Fight Interactively Train Together." She said. "We abbreviate things a lot here." Cilia elbowed Ms. J.

"Is it a good time to tell them about E.R. and C.O.A.T.W.?" She asked. Ms. J nodded. "E.R. stands for Escape Route, in case the mansion gets attacked." Cilia explained. "And C.O.A.T.W. stands for Control Online And The World. It's where we do all our important things."

"It's our HQ inside our HQ." Ms. J clarified. Cilia nodded.

"Now," She said. "We really have to go. Important business in C.O.A.T.W.! Have fun!" She and Ms. J turned and left. Cilia stopped at the door. "Oh, one more thing, never leave this gym until we come and get you." She said. "We can't have you two getting lost or running off." And with that she left. 

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