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Cilia pressed the button that read '101'. The alarms would go off any second now and the three were praying that Bridger would still be in his office when they got there. Iris was rubbing her elbow.

"Are you okay?" Cilia asked her. Iris nodded.

"It just hurts a bit." Iris said. "I'll be fine." Addison heard something moving around in the top of the elevator. He looked up. The clanking grew louder. What is that? He thought. Cilia and Iris looked up at the elevator roof too. Cilia gripped her pistol and Iris' hands clenched into fists. Addison remembered he had a knife in his pocket. He took it out and gripped it. An almost invisible panel fell onto the floor almost hitting Addison. Then five security guards dropped from the ceiling. In one movement, one of them quickly overpowered Cilia and her gun crashed to the ground. The man had taken its bullets. Good thing Cilia had brought a knife. The men attacked. Addison and Iris jumped into the drills Cilia and Ms. J had taught them. Addison sliced his knife through one of the guard's bullet proof vest and brought up blood. He dodged a speeding knife and swung the knife but missed. He blocked the guard's knife with his own. Addison ducked out of the way of the flying knife blade and got a glimpse of Iris struggling with two guards. The cold blade of Addison's attacker sliced Addison's check and brought up a thin line of blood. Addison dodged a second swipe and attacked the man. Soon the man's knife was on the ground, out of his reach. Addison brought his knife to the security guard's neck. He heard a yell and looked back to see Iris struggling with two security guards. The man Addison was fighting took that moment to punch Addison in the face. Addison's instincts kicked in and he slashed at the man. He cut him. In the neck. The man coughed and stumbled back as blood spouted out of his neck. Addison was in shock. The security guard sank down the wall and a trail of blood followed him. His eyes were staring at Addison as he choked, clutching his neck. Then his eyes went glassy and his bloodied hands fell away from his neck. Addison's mouth fell open. I-I just killed someone... Someone grabbed his shoulder and twirled him around. It was another security guard. His knife's tip was flying towards Addison's face. Addison just got out of the way and stabbed at the man. The knife sank into the man's chest. Addison stabbed him again and blood spurted out of the security guard's chest. Addison brought his knife down and it sank into the man's heart. The man gasped and blood began to trickle down his face. He raised a bloody hand to Addison's face but his hand fell to the ground, leaving a streaked imprint of a hand on Addison's face. The man died as Addison pulled his knife out of the security guard's heart. Addison looked up to see Cilia and Iris watching him. All the other security guards had been taken out. The elevator stopped and the doors opened revealing another long hallway ending in giant oak double doors. Still glancing back at Addison, Iris and Cilia walked out of the elevator. Addison got up and followed them. Cilia lifted her retrieved gun as the three reached the door. Voices echoed inside the office.

"You'll be safe in here, sir." Someone said. "The security guards were sent to take them out in the elevator."

"I just heard it arrive." Another voice said. "I'll check it out." Footsteps neared the door and it opened. The unfortunate man was shoto by Cilia. There was a gasp as the man fell to the ground. Addison and Iris followed Cilia into the room. There were two people in the office. Bridger and someone else. The man next to Bridger raised a gun but he was shot by Cilia. That left Bridger. Cilia turned her gun on him.

"So, three teenagers managed to foil five highly trained security guards." Bridger said. "How funny." His eyes traveled from the blood covered Addison, to Cilia, holding a gun, and finally to Iris. "Do I know you?" He asked Iris.

"Don't talk to her." Cilia hissed.

"I can talk to whoever I want." Bridger said.

"It doesn't work like that." Cilia said.

"Yes, dear." Bridger said harshly. "It works like this. Now." His eyes met Addison's. "Why are you three here?" His eyes returned to Iris. "Iris." Iris blanched. "Yes, I know who you are, Iris. You are Melissa Jones' first child. My first child. How is Jackson doing?"

"Don't you dare say his name." Iris hissed.

"Iris... what is he talking about?" Cilia asked.

"Oh, she hasn't told you?" Bridger asked pleasantly. "I'm her father." The next few moments went by in a blur. First minute Bridger's desk blocked him from Iris, next minute Iris was holding a knife to his throat.

"You. Are. Not. My. Father." She said firmly. 

"But I am. Biologically." Bridger said, Iris' knife cutting into his throat.

"I don't care." Iris said. "You decided to stop being my dad when you and mom divorced." Addison and Cilia exchanged confused and worried looks. What's going on? Addison thought.

"Iris, remember what we're here for." Cilia reminded. "To stop Bridger from destroying the world."

"Oh that?" Bridger smirked. "It's already started." Iris slammed his head down on the table (she took her knife away first).

"What's already started?" She asked. Bridger began to laugh. A maniac's laugh. An evil laugh.

"There's no way to stop it." He laughed. Iris slammed him into the table again. His nose started bleeding more heavily and blood began to pool on Bridger's wood desk.

"What is it?" Cilia asked. Bridger looked up at the two in front of him with a savage glint in his eyes. "WHAT IS IT?!"

"What do you think?" Bridger asked. "Aliens? Nukes? Drilling to the earth's core?" He laughed again. "It's none of those things my dear children. Two things. Two things are going to end the world. Government control and my new serum."

"What new serum?" Cilia asked.

"My new serum will make everyone die."

"But why?" It was the first time Addison had spoken in front of Cilia and Iris in a while.

"Because the world deserves to burn." Bridger said. "And I want to be the one to make it."  

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