The car journey was silent, apart from the music quietly playing. He let me switch between channels until I found one that I liked. He chose not to talk with me, for my own benefit. I needed some time to relax without communicating and he let me.

After I got indoors I made myself some hot chocolate and had a couple biscuits, not so they'd fill me up but so I wouldn't be starving.

The real question is what does one wear to a date?

After tossing all my clothes out of the closet I finally found something I liked. I'm not one for fashion, I know nothing about it. However the outfit I had chose, was perfect for me.

The top was almost like a bikini top, but not. It was covered in diamonds that made me stand out. You could see all the skin behind it clearly yet the nipples were covered with a few more diamonds than the rest, hiding them perfectly. And a pair of white leggings.

I put on a light amount of makeup , putting on some nude coloured lipgloss before curling my hair in ringlets that fell right above my butt, finally finishing my outfit with accessories.

Elyria's outfit

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Elyria's outfit.

"Where are you going?" Kai asked while leaning on the side of my doorframe. "Dressed like that." He added, seeing that I'm 'dolled' up.

"Out." I bluntly replied.

I don't now why I'm mad at him for this morning. I guess because he got annoyed when I refused to take the medication. I mean, how is that fair?

"Listen-" I cut him off while grabbing my bag and shoving into him, moving him out of my way. "I'm sorry alright, I'm just worried about you. You aren't in therapy anymore and the medication was the only thing helping."

"No they weren't." I snapped. "Only sleeping wise, the rest of the time it made me feel horrible." He stopped in his tracks, confused and shocked.

"Why didn't you tell me or mum then?" He questioned, making me scoff in disbelief.

"You wouldn't care. You didn't even care enough to notice it in the first place."

I shut , or should I say slammed , the door before he could respond. I was done arguing with him over this. He acts like he has a say in what I do, how I deal with it all. But he wasn't there. He didn't get abused like I did.

He didn't have to put up with father , the way that I did.

"Hey you." I hear a familiar voice, a voice that I've fallen in love with overtime.

Once i finished locking the door, I turn around to see the most handsome man. His hairs gelled back completely instead of the 'slicked back but still a little messy' look. Which is a nice change from usual. His beards been tided up a little and his outfit is just .. orgasm worthy to say the least.

He's wearing a black thin jumper with grey checked pants. As I was stepping closer I could smell the strong cologne from here. He had put on a different one, yet it smelt heavenly.

Jediah's outfit

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Jediah's outfit.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He says once clearing his throat, his cheeks are tinted with a rosy colour.

He's blushing, what a cutie.

"You look.. like everything I ever wanted." I said as a whisper, thinking he wouldn't hear. But he did.

"Thank you baby."


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait for the date chapter. Tell me your thoughts on this and if you're liking the story so far, vote and follow! Love you all!

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