Mr Hayes.

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"Elyria,Get up.You're going to be late!"
That's what I had heard for the 58th time this morning, truth is I've been awake since 5am , just staring at my ceiling. I find it difficult to sleep , I used to take medication but I stopped taking them.. no one knows that though. Because my family will freak so it's a little secret. It's now 8:30 and I'm getting yelled at for being late. Funny that.

I decided to finally get up and shower , I wasn't ready for this. Another year in the place I call hell. All my friends graduated and are getting  on with the next stage of their lives.. while I'm stuck here repeating a year. I didn't have it easy last year, I had many things that lead to me not being able to focus and therefore I wasn't capable of doing work. So I failed , almost everything.

I can do maths and science and all the rest of my lessons, I just.. didn't try in the exams. I slept during them all. It's English that I struggle with the most.. I'm not sure why. It's just poems and Shakespeare right, so what's so hard about it? ... exactly it shouldn't be. But for some reason it is. So I have to try do better. I can't manage to redo the year for the 3rd time.

I straightened my hair and put on mascara and lipgloss, when it comes to going to school, I don't really care how I look. So I put very little amount of makeup on. I put on my uniform, I'm not a fan of my uniform although it could be worse. It's a white shirt and a dark blue blazer with a dark blue matching pleated skirt that's supposed to stay around your knees but I've never accepted that rule, instead it's a few inches higher, although nothing is showing of course. And finally I put on my white thigh high socks and white trainers.

"Elyria I swear to god if you don't get down here now!" Another yell comes from my mother.

I rush down the stairs with my backpack and put it on the kitchen floor as I sit at the breakfast bar.

"I'm not even that late" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Just hurry up and eat this, I need to go to work soon." She places pancakes down infront of me and before I try grab a bite my annoying brother grabs it instead.

"Sorry I was hungry." He shrugs. My brother is 20 and is hardly ever home. Neither is my mum considering she's a nurse and always works. But my brother doesn't do that, he says he does yet he comes home at 3/4am most days and if he's home before then he always reeks of alcohol or his eyes are always red. Pretty sure he's a drug dealer but can't exactly assume, and it isn't any of my business as long as nothing happens to him.

"What the fuck Kai, that was mine!" He smirked and left , I'm betting you he won't be home till tomorrow. I don't know how my mum hasn't noticed it , or maybe she has but chooses to ignore it. I'm unsure.

As I look at my phone I realize I'm actually running late now, guess I'm going in hungry today. Great.

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"Elyria! Thank god you're here." I feel a pair of strong arms hug me from behind. And from the smell of his cologne I instantly know who it is.

"Harley." I smile as I turn around and hug him back. Harley was my friend from last year , he was in the year below me, now he's in year 12 too. It's embarrassing that I'm the only 18 , almost 19 , year old in this school and while everyone will be learning new topics for the first time I'll be trying to remember them all from last year. Like I said I slept a lot through all my lessons by the end of last year , so I don't remember much, but still  some things in maths and science.

"I heard we have English together , with Mr Hayes."

Mr Hayes... who is that?

"Who?" I pulled away from our hug and looked up at him, he's grown a lot apparently. I'd say 6'1 now, while I'm stuck here being the same height since I was 15. 5'1. His light brown hair had also grown more , his curly locks over his eyes, his eyes are a dark green and honestly looking into them makes me think of emeralds.

I won't lie he's attractive. But I don't see him in that way, I don't think of anyone that way. Although I'm 18 I haven't had a boyfriend , and I am still completely innocent in the sexual area. I don't really know why I haven't done any of the things most people my age have, I just haven't found someone who I like. Everyone has the choice on doing stuff with a person they have feelings for or not. But I personally couldn't do any of it with a random person who I wasn't attracted too. I don't even know how too.

"He's a new English teacher here , I overheard some girls talking about him. Apparently he's good looking so try not get a crush on him" he winks at me before  putting his arm around my shoulder while we walk to the lockers in the hallway.

"Trust me you don't have to worry about that, you know me." I smirk at him as I walk over to my locker and put my bag inside grabbing the English books I'll need.

"Yeah yeah no one is good enough for you, I get it" he rolls his eyes while smirking back at me and he gets his books out as well.

10 minutes later

I'm laughing in a small corner in the corridor with Harley, we have been talking and catching up about all the new stuff in our life. While he's just smoking weed , it's his first day in year 12 and he's already being an idiot. I'm guessing he doesn't care that there's a camera right above us.

"Want some?" He offers it to me while exhaling the smoke from his mouth. I shake my head.
I've tried weed once before and it's okay I guess. But I've never been high and not sure if I want to try it one day. I mean it looks fun, but in school? Fucking risky and stupid. I look at my phone and see the time


"Oh fuck we're late! English has already started" I quickly stand up, and Harley runs leaving me behind.

Are you fucking serious? That asshole.

He's already in the class before I even get to the door. As I walked in everyone looked at me with a stare. As to say get the fuck out quick.
And that's when I see him.. the devil himself. He is extremely tall , especially compared to me. Must be at least 6'3/6'4. His hair is a dark rich brown color, it's slicked back a little yet a few strands have fallen over his right eye..God.
Not to mention everything else about him, his tan skin that had black ink going from what looked like his shoulder down till they're right above his elbow. He's wearing a white shirt thats tight around the arms so it shows his muscles perfectly, black jeans with a belt, black polished shoes. Oh my god he's perfect.

"Mr- Mr Hayes?" I asked , stuttering a little, I had to make sure he was my teacher before getting ahead of myself. But the look on his face tells me he isn't pleased about my late arrival. His cold stare gives me chills. Yet his eyes were fucking gorgeous, they are straight up golden brown and if the sun was shining onto them they'd look exactly like syrup color.

"And you are?" He says , with pure annoyance showing in his voice. Oh god now I have to explain why I'm late.
"I'm Elyria , Elyria Bennett sir, I'm so sorry I was late I was-" he cuts me off with a cough and walking away to his desk. Ok bit rude.

"Sit. I don't care as to why you're late you'll be staying behind." So I did as he said , I sat down next too Harley. It was one person per table yet they had small gaps between them. Harley and I started talking about irreverent stuff before I remembered I was in a class.

"Elyria." He says. No, he yells. And with that I know I've just fucked this up for myself.

Hey guys sorry if this was a little boring I promise you it'll get more interesting I just didn't want the chapter to be too long! Hope you enjoyed, and will see you when the next updates out<3

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